Status of www.SchoolDirections.Com


Jun 12, 2004
I read your FAQ and it says to 'bump' this message if the thread moves down to the 3rd page. So this is the 'bump'.

Thanks for any reply!


Jun 12, 2004
Thanks for the reply. I had 2 questions if you have a minute.

1. Can we possibly find out why it was rejected? The site was developed over the past 2 years by several high school students. I would like to be able to explain to them something about why it was rejected since they have worked very hard on this. The site is very useful to students, parents, athletes and school administrators. There are lots of useful tools and links to help students excel.

2. Could the site be submitted to a different category? I didn't see that question in the FAQ.

Thanks for any further info or help that you can provide. I really appreciate it.



Jun 12, 2004
This thread was down to the 3rd forum panel so this is a 'bump'. I'm trying to get an answer to the two questions in my previous post.

Thank you very much for your help and time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The issue is nearly always the same: "unique content." We have some magnificent student projects listed in the ODP, and we've had some pre-teenagers active editing the ODP, so we're used to holding them to the same standards our grandparents follow -- or rather, we recognize the fact that they hold themselves to the highest standards and even help us raise our own standards. That's not an issue.

The prominent information on the site is driving directions to schools -- OK, so you have a database of school addresses, and an interface to mapquest. This is a pretty good basic class project for a web class -- you have your database, back-end accesses to someone else's server, some mapped graphics, etc. The site functionality itself is (so far as I saw) very nicely done. If the point is to learn how to create middleware, I'd give the students high marks and a recommendation.

Weaknesses -- the page layout gives "baroque" a bad name, but hey, it's a web technologies class, not a graphic design class. And bad page layout is no bar to an ODP listing -- it's as good as anything at, and I've certainly given far less ambitious and less successful designs an "editor's choice mark." In class, better ambitious than minimalist. (Outside class, you quickly learn the virtues of minimalism. But the more tools you have, the better chance you have of picking the RIGHT minimal tool.)

So far, so good.

The problem is in the actual content creation. That's really all that matters to US as ODP editors, and that's where IMO the site falls down. It's not really a contribution to the sum of human knowledge. It is a (very good) internet project, rather than a (very good) scientific or artistic or humanitarian project published on the internet. It is the latter that we look for.

If those students had gotten together with, say, an honors drama class to create a multimedia version of the Second Shepherd's Tale [mystery play], or with an honors history class to create graphic displays of tabular historical data, or with a local charity to maintain a client database and/or attract donations -- I would have gotten a very different impression, and I'd probably have fallen all over myself to get the site listed.

Now, it's possible that there's something more besides the school driving directions, and the poor usability design of the site kept it hidden. Get the students to do serious site reviews of some of the good sites in common use: the ODP (some of them probably ought to be editing here anyway, man!), Google, for the religious ones, Project Gutenberg -- sites that depend for their lifeblood on NOT placing ANY obstacles to repeated, fast access -- teach them minimalism, and ... there will always be a place in the workaday world of custom net software design for them. But it takes more than doing SOMETHING well to get an ODP listing. It takes doing some GOOD thing well. (Good, of course, being defined by the ODP mission. If they end up doing professional custom site design for Spamford.Wallace.con, then Mr. Wallace will tell them what "Good" means for him -- and he can reward them based on that definition.)
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