Status of


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It was deleted for being an affiliate site, and as such cannot be listed--sorry.

[edited to add] I wanted to clarify the use of affiliate, as I did some checking after I wrote my answer. Sometimes as editors we can use the word "affiliate" broadly. In this case I believe the editor was stating that you are carrying a large number of products that are found on common dropshiping sources and numerous othe sites and as a result the content is not unique. I cross checked your product content randomly and came to the same conclusion as the editor who reviewed the site.


How is this an affiliate site, this is not an affiliate site. This is a site we built, host and maintain and ship all the products. Is there a way to let the editor know that.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
You replied after I edited my answer (but before I hit enter)...please see my edited note above, your content is not unique in that many other sites carry those same products. Sorry, it cannot be listed.


I guess I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying that because there are other tool stores already in DMOZ that we cannot get in? It looks like there are a lot of stores that are selling similar content that have been added, for example The Tool Warehouse and Tool Paradise. Why is it that they are allowed in and we are not?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Because they are already listed, your content is less unique than theirs was when they were added. So yes, your site is much less valuable to surfers than theirs was when it was reviewed...."even though" (or "because") it has the same content.


So you are saying that you only allow a certain number of sites to any given catagory? Does that mean that there is no way to get our site listed in DMOZ because other stores are already listed in here?

Could we get listed in some other catagory?


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Could we get listed in some other catagory?
Sites are listed in the one specific best category if accepted, so submitting to a less appropriate category isn't the answer. You could be listed in regional if you have a brick and mortar store, but from looking at your site it appears you only do business over the internet and therefore would not qualify for regional.
So you are saying that you only allow a certain number of sites to any given catagory? Does that mean that there is no way to get our site listed in DMOZ because other stores are already listed in here?
We don't limit the number of sites in a category, however to be listed in any category the site must offer a significant amount of original content. If products are already adequately represented in a category, adding another site selling those same products would not be adding original content and therefore more sites selling those products would not be listed because the content is not unique.

Shopping is a pretty saturated area. This makes it harder to find something unique to list. It wouldn't hurt for you to somehow highlight to a visitor what makes your site unique.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.