Status of


Jul 7, 2002
Usually updates take less time. However your update request has not been worked on yet.

Both sites (the old and the new one) look functional to me (at first glance). In order to make the URL change totally clear, it would be good if the old URL would redirect to the new one.


Feb 28, 2005
So what would you advise I do?

I can't see a way out of this one, as I've submitted multiple requests to update - but nothing has been worked on. Plus, I can't suggest the new site as it could be seen as spamming because I noticed the following in the suggest URL link:

"Do not submit an URL that contains only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites."

Can someone please have the url update worked on?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Asking for special priority in this forum is NOT received well. Just don't, OK?

As for advice, how should I put this? Ah, yes.

"In order to make the URL change totally clear, it would be good if the old URL would redirect to the new one."

That's where I'd start. That way, when the update request gets reviewed, it won't get deleted because our listing is just fine as it is.

And then you should thank the editors who held off on reviewing your request until you could get things straight.


Feb 28, 2005
My suggestion wasn't intended for special priority. I was merely trying to make clear that I'd prefer the update to be worked on, not the new listing.

"In order to make the URL change totally clear, it would be good if the old URL would redirect to the new one."

With regard to pointing the old url to the new url, is this a concrete prerequisite? I.e. although it would be good to redirect, does this HAVE to be undertaken before an update occurs?

The reason for asking this is that our current search engine rankings for the old url will be very highly affected by the redirection (with redirections highly discouraged by the engines).

I appreciate and understand why there is no guarantee of the time taken for updating a url, so for this very reason, I'd like to do everything I can to make the shift as smooth as possible. I understand that eventually the rankings for the old url will disintergrate, however, before they do, I'd like to get the listing pointed to the new url.

Thanks for your time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, that's not the only way. But the editor will look at the OLD link -- if that works, and if there's nothing on the site to suggest it should be changed, then it won't be changed.

(This is important for people to understand. Suggestions are just that, suggestions. We don't know who's making them, or why -- and we don't want to have to care. Reality is the website. Websites are what we review, and where we look for information.)

The notice could be as simple as a "we've moved!" link or a meta redirect...or all the links could be absolute links to the new site. We aren't particular, we just have to see SOME kind of evidence on the old site.

The 301 redirection is, of course, best, because that's the official standard way of telling EVERYBODY on the net you've moved. And webmasters who think of "ODP editors" as somehow different from "every other surfer" have fallen into a delusive snare.

So don't worry about the ODP. It will follow along with everybody else -- when you get the word out to everybody.

But at the ODP, there are about four levels of priority (which editors don't have to honor, but very often do--in fact, we asked for them, because we WANTED to honor them.) And in the highest priority is "automatically detected 301 interrupts." Update requests is #2 or #3. Ordinary site suggestions are last.


Feb 28, 2005
Ok, that sounds very reasonable being #2 or #3 and is something that I can definitely work with.

I have now included a "We've moved" link to the home page (root) of the old url as indication of the relationship between the two sites:

The following are links to the "contact us" pages of each of the sites to reinforce the joint ownership.

Would you suggest I post another update url request? I'm not sure whether the previous request in January was declined or to be worked on, or even would benefit from another request with additional notes to this forum post?

Thanks for the detailed explanation.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
As the suggestion hasn't been checked yet (see above), there's no need to do anything more,
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.