I made my personal website (www.truewebsite.com), and I submitted it about 2 months ago. Yesterday I came to the forum to ask how it was doing, and they told me that my site needs more content. How can I need more content? I mean It's a personal website, 100 pages isn't enough? It's not like I'm selling something... Anyways, can anyone tell me how they define "not enough content" and what to do about it?
I've seen other personal websites that include no more than 20 pages. Just seems unfair.
It's never been processed by any editor and despite the fact that it was most recently submitted on 11th December (and it's not yet 11th January), I can tell you that it is even now awaiting review in Society/People/Personal_Homepages/Anonymous/T. We can't predict when that might be but if it hasn't been listed by 11th July, please ask again in this same thread.