Status of

I submitted in the early fall and never got in (sorry, I don't remember the category). I submitted again on Dec. 23 to the following category -
Computers > Consultants > Regional > North America > United States > Wisconsin
and was wondering what the status was and if there was a problem.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The second submittal is still waiting for review, with under a dozen sites. Computer sites tend to be somewhat backlogged, so don't expect a quick review. I can't see the first one.

Consider submitting to the Business and Economy category of the actual locality of the business also, if (as I presume) the service providers actually have a business office where they might do something requiring people to know where they work: confuse clients, berate employees, accept process service, whatever. (Make sure the address is on the website, if you do this.)

Such a submittal will not affect the status of the one you've already made: they'll be reviewed by different editors, at different times, based on their relevance to the respective categories. Often, though, we find that the Regional site submittal gets reviewed more quickly.
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