Status of


Aug 3, 2004
This is a strange one. I know that has been added to Dmoz, but the question is. Was the site added to that category due 301 Redirect on an old domain name, Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Business_and_Economy/Computers_and_Internet/Internet/Chat/ )

or was it added to that category because I made a new submission. (My submission wasn't asking it to be in that category, I wanted it to be in Computers/Internet/Cyberspace/Online_Communities/

Would be nice to know weather which reason the site was added into that category (I guess it is a lil more specific).


Sep 11, 2003
If I can just add that we will not be listing every uk******* (or any other variation thereof) that you submit.

Our users can get to any of the ones you are submitting from the URL already listed and if they are unable to do that then that is an issue you need to be addressing from within your own site and not within the ODP. Mulitple domains do not equal multiple listings.

Just thought I would clear up that confusion.


Aug 3, 2004
Yes this is exactly what i'm trying to get accross, I'm trying to make sure all the different domains that are listed come accross as one single listing. As for having in the regional one I don't remember having that submitted. I recently submitted it (well about a month ago), to the Online Comminuities. I wanted an old site I ran ( to appear as ukchatterbox (which is slowly propergating), its already been taken out of the Kids and teens listing.

I Don't know how it got into the regional one. Maybe someone else submitted it to the regional one or when I put a 301 Redirect on it?, and my submission to the Cyberspace > Online Communitites hasn't been reviewed yet? I dunno, i'll just wait I guess..


Aug 3, 2004
A little confused

hey I was wondering if someone could clear up something for me. Does it make a difference what category something is in if you want to index for certain keywords?

A while back I thought it would be nice to inform dmoz that I've changed URL from to I'm not sure if this was a huge mistake or not. I asked if it could be moved from one category to another.

Not exactly sure what happened but they removed it from the old category (one of the Kids and Teens one - which is what I wanted because I was trying to move away from the kids and teens - hence the name change). I was ranking for some very nice (Generic keywords without the use of the word teen).

It seems after doing this change, my rankings are getting worse and worse and worse. I was just wondering what the reason could be behind this, I am included in the Regional Category Mensioned above, but it seems to be in a Business and Economy directory which doesn't seem as relevent.

I have submitted the Link to Computers/Internet/Cyberspace/Online_Communities/
I'm not sure weather its awaiting review or not even tho it is in the Regional section. I did read somewhere, that some sites are allowed to be in 2 categories if one of them is in a regional section. I have seen quite a few sites appear twice in this type of situation.

Anyone know of anything I can do that may help me get my rankings back? Or is it down to the status of and waiting to see if it gets included in the Online Communities directory?


Feb 28, 2002
These kinds of questions are really beyond the scope of these forums. Site ranking is rea;;y a foreign concept to the ODP. It's not something we concern ourselves with in editing. There are various webmaster and SEO forums out there, however, that might be able to help you.
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