Status of


Feb 15, 2005

Thanks for your prompt resonce.

I did know that I was listed in: I have been told that a local listing as well as an industry specific listing is permisable. Can you confirm? I would gladly swap this listing for the more relevant listing in:

Can you tell me how long the listing will take to be processed? Should I consider submitting to a different (but still relevant) catagory that has an editior?

Thanks in advance for your help.



I have been told that a local listing as well as an industry specific listing is permisable
Yes it is, where the listings fit within the category guidelines, and the content is on the site to support both listngs.

I would gladly swap this listing
Not going to happen, Regional listings are not interchangable with Topical ones (although sometimes the reverse is true - when the Topic is already broken down by locations).

Can you tell me how long the listing will take to be processed?
No, it's impossible to provide an accurate answer, and vague indications were being taken as absolutes, so we stopped guessing.

Should I consider submitting to a different (but still relevant) catagory that has an editior?
No. Unless it is the single best category, and the current suggestion is to a wrong category, a listed editor is no indication of speed of processing (or in fact that an editor is still active - the name will stay on an unedited category until the next time someone edits the category). Also suggest it to a large enough number of alternate categories and you run the risk of being labelled as a spammer.

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