Status on approval

It has been close to a month since I applied to be editor of the category Business > Business Services > AudioVisual > Equipment > Audience Response Systems as the name Cybermench. Does anyone have an idea when a decision might be made? Since applying, I have learned that many applications have ben turned down for supplying less than 3 suggested URL's - I only suggested 2, as this is a very small category, and I hope I will not be turned down because of that.


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Sorry but there are no applications under that user name or for that category. Either there was a glitch or the application was declined.

If there was a denial, shouldn't I have been notified? If there was a glitch and the request was not posted, I would like to apply again. Does the category still need an editor?
Please advise. Thanks

Yep, if you were denied, you'd receive an e-mail to that effect.

Did you get a confirmation e-mail after you first applied? If not, you're not in the system or have some e-mail problems. Try re-applying with the same address - if an application is in, it will tell you so and won't let you apply again. (Good idea to save a copy of your app in Notepad in case of glitches.)

Good luck! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Thanks for the advice.
I did receive a reply from which asked me to reply to the email. The subject information is as follows:
Subject: opendir - 7536623eb75837b5d6748e878e8666fb
After I replied, I receive an email which told me I would be notified. I received nothing after getting the second email.
So I was in the system. So much for the glitch.

I just tried to sign up again, only to receive the following message on the application form page." This category does not accept new editor applications at this time. It may be too large for a new editor, may be designed to hold only @-links, or may be reserved for more experienced editors for other reasons. Please try applying in a different category at"
This is interesting as this category does not appear to have an editor and apparently has not had one since the last editor left in October. If there is no editor, why would the software automatically deny an application form?

Any advice would be appreciated. I would like to become the editor of this category. Again, thanks for the advice on keeping a text only copy - I did, which would have made reapplying a bit easier.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
They're no longer accepting new editors into that category ("become an editor" has been turned off). Why don't you try applying to edit your home town (or a subcategory of it) in Regional or some other small category instead?

Okay, they are not accepting editors and becoming an editor has been turned off. What does this mean?
How can information to the category be updated?

My original interest in the category grew out of my discovery that the last editor was using the category to benefit his own business (or that of a company he works for) at the expense of the competitors. I discovered this when one of my web design clients, telephoned to inquire why his company (one of those listed) was described in Google, as having outmoded technology. He was upset and was sure there was a correlation between being described as a "wired company, in wireless universe" and a drop off in business generated by his web page. I resubmitted a description of the URL and hoped the editor would change it.

After being ignored for several weeks, I played web detective and it didn't take me long to learn that the category editor was a competitor and his company was listed on top. I queried this board for advice and was told to email editors in higher categories. I did so and made my case for abuse. I ever heard a word back. Finally, a few days ago I received confirmation that the editor was gone. Apparently my complaints were heard. The information came from a reply in this thread, although I was told I couldn't be given a specific reason for his departure.

I guessed the editor was gone because while checking to see if there was any progress on my request for the URL update I was surprised to find a notice that the category was in need of an editor. I checked the rules and learned that while I had a connection to the category, I could still qualify as an editor. I have high ethical standards and felt I could do an honest job so I applied for the position, all the while being forthright about how I came to apply. In truth, I have great credentials having been involved in the development of an early P.C. based audience response system before I became a website designer, so I have a great deal of expertise in the technology. My feelings were, if I got the job great, if not, hopefully an ethical person would be chosen. I can understand why I might not have been chosen in light of the past editor's behavior, but this category needs someone to restore its integrity. I now find myself back where I was 6-7 weeks ago, unable to get the erroneous description updated. I will resubmit another request to update the URL in order to change the description, but will it fall upon deaf ears? How can this be handled? Can a meta editor make the changes? Please advise.

'Become an editor' is usually turned off for one of a couple of reasons
- The category is in the midst of, or about to be involved in, a re-organisation
- The category is not there to hold sites, but rather just links (may be working towards that end)
- The editors in that area may have decided that the area is prone to abuse, and not suitable for a new editor (existing editors can still apply internally)

If you are still interested in helping I'd really suggest you find a very small category and apply there. After editing, and showing you can work within the guidelines, you can apply for this larger category.

I am not a meta/editall, and cannot edit there, but the 'update' option is the best way - mention the reason you are requesting the change, and a link to this thread won't hurt <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Good luck.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Have you actually looked at the category (at, not Google) lately? The word "wired" was removed from that description over a month ago. If you want other changes made, use the "Update URL" link at the top right of the page to submit your description update request.

Yes, I look at dmoz almost daily. There are two listings and wired was dropped from one but not the other. The main page - listing open directory sites still has the word "wired" in it. This is more than likely the where the visitor is getting the information. The listing within the category has been changed. I would appreciate it if someone could edit out "wired" from the former so they conform. Thanks, and I truly appreciate the responses I have been getting.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
OK, I'm officially confused. You're going to have to clarify yourself.

The listing you appeared to be concerned about in this thread was the one in -- that listing no longer contains the word "wired". Your other listing, in New York, also does not contain the word "wired". So, where are you seeing "wired"? If you're looking at the entry that comes up in ODP search, the search index hasn't been updated since September. If you're looking at the Google directory page by mistake, we don't know when Google will update but your listing will get updated whenever they do. If it isn't either one of those two situations, can you give the URL of wherever it is you are seeing "wired"?

The word wired appears in the ODP Search. Type in "audience response" and the listing will show "wired" - I believe that most people searching will look at the search list before looking at the categories. I assumed wrongly, that the search would be updated when categories are updated. Any idea when the search will be updated?
As for Google, they must not update the category information very often. I will inquire about that.
As for the New York listing, now I am confused, I wasn't aware of that one. I tried the link you provided but couldn't find anything for Quick Tally, although we do have a NY Branch office there. I did a search on the words "Quick Tally", assuming it would reveal the NY reference, but all that came up was a single listing which included the word "wired" and a link to our homepage - So I have no idea what the NY reference is, but I am curious.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The search is based on the RDF dump and the RDF dump has had technical problems for the last couple of months. I believe they're close to fixing it (another RDF dump is running right now) but I couldn't give you more than an "I hope it'll be in the next couple of weeks". Google's update is based on the RDF dump as well so no new RDF means no updated Google directory.

Hmm, my mistake about the NY category, then -- I thought you were talking about a different site (you never actually said which one was yours and my deductive reasoning is obviously flawed today). Doh! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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