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Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
maybe I am wrong, but I think according to the Real Estate guidelines "All local and regional real estate agents, agencies, and businesses are listed in the Regional branch according to the city or town where their office is located." so I think this is not the most apropriate category.

Anyway the site is waiting with a large amount of other sites as in every real-estate-related category.


Thanks. If I post to the category you suggested, will it be considered spam and then removed? Or should I just wait until it is reviewed to see if they place it in that category any way?


Speaking as the editor for a locality, submitting to the appropriate Regional category MIGHT set off the spam filter, but it won't be considered spam nor would it hurt your other application if it's appropriate.


Aug 24, 2003
I know that real estate agents only go in Regional. This site is a little different, though the same might be true. Someon else could probably answer that question better.

I'm sure you can submit it once to Regional without fear of it being seen as spam.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Just to emphasize two points already mentioned: the "spam filter" is an automatic thing: editors will hand=check everything caught there, just as they do anywhere else. It's not an automatic, or even a default, rejection.

And a lot of people are concerned about accidentally spamming the ODP submittal process. (Thanks!) But if you submit to the wrong category, discover your error, and then submit to the right category, we won't call that "spam". We'll call that "took two tries to figure out how to help us." It's not the same at all.


Thanks for clarifying that. I think everyone is so uptight sometimes because they (we, I, lol...) are clamoring to get their site listed to boost ratings for themselves or their clients. It makes it so much easier having this site, because your responses put a personality with your job title, easing our minds a bit about how this all works. I wish I had found this months ago! Again, thanks for your help!


PS... I have been trying for a few days now to re-submit a few of my clients sites to the categories suggested here, as well as re-submit a couple that said they weren't received and I have been continually getting errors after clicking on the "submit" button. How much longer until the glitches are fixed?
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