Status on submitted sites


May 26, 2007
Is there a way I can find out where my site might be in the editing que?

I submitted it months and months ago.
<url removed>


May 13, 2007
devknob said:
Is there a way I can find out where my site might be in the editing que?

No, sorry, there isn't. We stopped providing status checks, read this announcement to find out why.

devknob said:
I submitted it months and months ago.
It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several years for a site suggestion to get reviewed. Some categories have many hundreds or even thousands of suggestions waiting to be reviewed. There may be quite a lot of us editors but we are only volunteers and this is not a full time job for us. Besides, we're more interested in building a useful directory than in providing a listing service for web masters.

You seem to have slipped past the posting guidelines that say you shouldn't mention specific websites here. Please go and read the posting guidelines.


May 24, 2007
yesterday i ee in my site stats some clics from dmoz,that means that someone have actualy reviewd my site?
in my first thread on this forum i used capital letters and include the word must on the text and was deleted.i hope this thread is along with the terms and conditions of this forum.I did some reading.


May 24, 2007
ok, i just dont believe onyone that he claims that is a editor.

jimnoble said:
In this case, yes it does and you have already been told the outcome of that review elsewhere.

Are you refering to this post?

Originally Posted by scoobby
My site dont have propert contain to be listed????Oh god! thats amazing, spend so much money just to have my customers dont pay 15% up the price of the hotel to book online in the big advretised sites, and the open directory project refuse to give to the people the chance to find my site so they can spend less money.I thought that this was the whole idea of dmoz,i guess i was wrong.

You keep missing the point:
1. You admitted submitting again and again and again which was against the guidelines you agreed to when you submitted. How do you think any directory (DMOZ or other) should treat you after you deliberately flouted the policies you agreed to.
2. There is already a website listed that looks like yours; has the same information as yours; has some of the same contact details as yours - DMOZ does not care its owned by your brother, its simply not going to list two websites providing the same information. It appears you are trying to scam DMOZ to get multiple listing for the hotels you are associated with.

DMOZ is not a listing service for webmasters, so yes :
i guess i was wrong

are you agree with this person saying that my site have nothing to provide?If you were willing to spend your holidays in naxos and you as editor trying to find hotel with online booking you wouldnt prefer to book it from the hotel owner in order not to pay 15% or 10% up that big advertised sites take?
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