Status or is it possible?

First, I would like to thank you for the help one of your editors was yesterday, he was fantastic, so thank you! I do have a question on seeing if the description is able to be changed though. I understand he did not like the description suggested and can reason with that. I did want to see though being that we only have a two word description that reads "cellular accessories" if we could change that to "cellular phone accessories", or "original and aftermarket cellular accessories". Being they are two different items I feel that this is a justifiable description? If nothing else, I would atleast like it if the description could read "cellular phone accessories" instead of just "cellular accessories".

The domain was under and was just correctly changed to, I am not sure how you would go about looking it up being the change is so recent. The domain is in section
Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Communications: Wireless: Cellular Phones: Accessories: W

Thank you very very much!!


Mar 26, 2002

I refer to the ODP Guidelines on site descriptions that says (amongst other things) ...
  • Do not repeat the title of the site or sections of the category path name.
    I don't believe having a description of "Cellular phone accessories" for a site in Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Communications/Wireless/Cellular_Phones/Accessories/W/ (*) would be fully in accordance to the guidelines, unless unavoidable.

    However, looking at the rest of the sites in that cat, I guess the editors had a tough time to avoid describing sites as "Cellular phones accessories", and repeating exactly what are already in the category path name. Similarly for the other alphabets in the alphabar.

    BTW, why are you very concerned in changing that description for "The Wireless Boys" from "Cellular accessories" to "Cellular phone accessories"?

    (*) It helps us to check if you put a linkable link like that one


My apologies for not putting the link in.. I know better for next time now. As for why I request, well I request the description of "original and aftermarket cellular phone accessories" because their are people who buy and cell strictly aftermarket accessories as well as people who buy and sell strictly original accessories. As why I would like the description to include the word phone as in "cellular phone accessories" is because I that is a more accurate description. Understanding how many people use DMOZ, I would simply like to have a more detailed description, which I dont feel is cheating or spamming in any kind of a way. I also dont feel it is an inapropriate one, or a run on sentence. Am I wrong in this? I dont mean to carry on or be a pest in any sort of way, I would just like a fair chance and description as so many other people do. As you noted, many of the other descriptions for the sites in the same category do elaborate more and do include words such as cellular phone accessories and such. Am I wrong for asking this?

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