Status - removed ?


Nov 15, 2004
I was hoping someone could tell me why my site was removed.It was approved last year and I thought its only gotten better.
I was still a real newbie when i joined and submitted it( maybe year and half or two ago ). I did join as an editor with every intention of adding good sites but between crashes and work couldnt keep it going especially when i lost all files and info in crashes and keep on having to start over all the time.I have a better understanding of design and content and i have a lot more exclusive and original content than i used to.
At one point I a had scroling marquee with controversial news in it and possibly that content was a bit sensitive. I also may have submitted individual folders to different categories thinking it was allowed because the music is seperate from the movies and games etc.
so possibly that was it.
As i mentioned i have learned a lot since then and im hoping for a review.
My site fits several categories, the first being entertainment but really would appreciate any guidance as well.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Last time it was reviewed, it was rejected for lack of _unique_ content. If or when you've published significant content not otherwise available on the net since, say, August, you can resubmit ... then another month after that, you can bump this thread for a status check.

The usual recommendations apply:

(1) Focus: a site with fifty facts about "washboard players of Tashkent" is better than a site with 200 facts about "entertainment stuff."

(2) Select the most specific category appropriate. Big sites have enough content to cover broader areas: little sites can't -- at best they'd go in "personal pages".

(3) It's not a crime to contain non-unique content -- but DO tell your visitors what's ACTUALLY unique. If the editor sees you claim to have a list of Kazakh percussionists (which is also available from the "Drummers on the Steps" website) the presumption will be that nothing on the site is unique.

(4) Your suggested description is neither a late-night TV advertisement nor a prospectus. It should describe what is on the site (and is unique), not what you expect to add later, nor whom you hope to lure onto the site. That way, the editor will know what to watch out for.

(5) Feedback from a specific review is not likely. Unless we can see a way to make a silk purse, we aren't going to be commenting on porcine cranial appendages. And most of the time (whether because of our own limited imaginations or the website's inadequate representation of its' creator's talents) ... we can't see that.


Nov 15, 2004
re status of atomagemedia

Thanks, I will make some changes and follow your advice.


Nov 15, 2004
Status check

I was advised to bumb this after a month so i waited a little longer,
just wondering if i got reviewed again.


Aug 2, 2002
Did you make substantial changes and did you submit again (if so when)?


Nov 15, 2004
Re Status check

Thanks for the quick reply,
I resubmitted over 2 months ago and
Yes i have made quite a few changes including adding a few feature movies, more original text and streaming mps from canadian indy bands.
I have to admit i am getting really confused as to who to follow.
I just added my first repeat word in a title since i learned it was bad practice after seeing Google serps showing half the top ten rankings and some very very respected websites doing it. I cant watch my rankings plummet while the algorithms permit that so if the titles are the only problem let me know.
I thought it was a real no-no to have say canadian widgets / buy widgets/ in the title, but apparently this is not so anymore .
If you cant add me i understand, the ideal of dmoz is great, only unique content, unfortunately i also see a lot of dmoz entries that i find questionable and really thought my site was unique enough compared to a lot i see.
At the time there was no single website that listed almost every truly free movie, and i bet a lot of people assume i just wildly scraped yet i took the time to ask for example movieflix if theyd mind if i created a list of all there free offerings and they replied to go ahead just dont hotlink the movies.
Ive made a little feature theatre as mentioned and even though those films are available at ,i present them uniquely and
also the text in most of my pages including shopping pages is original,
i wrote it and didnt copy it.There is some from wikipedia and i give creidt where its used and im also staring to add some odp data which will also be acredited though im still unsure if i need to use the whole attrition table or just mention its origin as i dont use the directory structure, could you please advise me on this too?

Thanks !



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I just added my first repeat word in a title since i learned it was bad practice after seeing Google serps showing half the top ten rankings and some very very respected websites doing it. I cant watch my rankings plummet while the algorithms permit that so if the titles are the only problem let me know.
I thought it was a real no-no to have say canadian widgets / buy widgets/ in the title, but apparently this is not so anymore .

OK, part of the confusion is that that advice you cite all has to do with Google, nothing at all to do with the ODP.

We're just about unique content. You can do stupid titles, or no title, and we'll still look at it -- maybe even list it.


Jul 7, 2002
In order to check your submission status, we'd need to know the category that you have last submitted to. Please give a clickable link.


Nov 15, 2004
Submission status

Thanks for the clarification Hutcheson, i was'nt aware of that.
I removed the double words after a couple days anyways, looks kinda stupid, sure are a lot of top spots using them though, but i suppose they could be setting themselves up for a dive if that filters switched on again so im going to play it safe.

This is the category i submitted to on Jan 20.

<Please submit sites to this category which contain movie directories and other types of large organized link collections>

According to the guidlines i guess i fit this category, but i also stream featured movies and a few exclusive music downloads so its not only a link collection as described in the category guidlines, but I guess its still the dominating feature.
Thanks for the quick replies !!


Mar 25, 2002
The suggestion has been recieved and awaits editorial review in that category. Thanks.


Nov 15, 2004
Site status

Thanks Shadow, i guess i had the submit page bookmarked instead.

Much Appreciated !
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.