Status req:

I submitted the site to
and was hoping for a status update.

I submitted the site a month ago.
I know it sometimes takes a long time to get our site listed if the editor is busy. I feel pressure with the holidays coming up and the next Google crawl just around the corner. As you well know, a DMOZ listing makes such a difference in a search engine placement result, a day earlier/later could make such a difference for us!

Thanks for any info/help you may have!
- Christian

Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

Hi Motsa.

<img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />
There must be an error / mis-understanding somewhere.
This site is not found anywhere else on ODB,
it has only original content, it's clean, mainstream,
fits right in there with the other entries in that
ODP directory category. All I can think of is bad
karma and the editor had a network glitch when trying
to access the site. the URL is:

What recourses do I have to have this situation corrected?
With the holiday season approaching and Google doing its
crawl, this is a very unfortunate situation.

Thank you for your help in the matter!
- Christian

Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

Motza, beebware I need help here!

In this post, I have clarified that we are not a
"product listing" nor a deep-link providing only
refinements of info already on the home page but rather
a provider of unique valuable content which would add
value to this ODP category. Sorry if it's a bit

Thank you for your help in clarifying this matter!
- Christian

We're honest to God here in good faith with an original
web site, original content/products of our own creation,
diverse products relevant to this category (rosaries).
My only sin is having made it a sub-domain rather than
a full domain of its own (I saved $20 and look what it
gets me!).

We should/could have gotten a separate domain name
but didn't see the need back when we made the decision.
If I read your guidelines with deep-linking below, there
should be no problem with our submission.

I read the DMOZ guildelines about deep-linking and
could go over the details about but this paragraph of
the May 2001 issue of the DMOZ newsletter
(last paragraph) clearly illustrate how we should qualify.

"When In Doubt:
When you have a question as to whether or not to deeplink, it might be helpful to pinpoint what kind of deeplink it is by re-reading the above synopsis of types. Then ask yourself these now familiar questions: "Does adding this deeplink enhance the category by adding quality and unique content not found on other sites in the category? Does it provide usefulness to the searcher?" If the answer is yes, and if it fits the other criteria outlined in the guidelines, then add it."

The answer to the above questions is clearly "YES".
Our content is unique.
Nobody offers those rosaries/necklaces/jewlery
because they are our unique creations.

We fit somewhere between a type #2 (Diverse Deeplinks) and
a type #3 (Related Deeplinks) as our content is unique.
It is not a refinement of what's on
and the relation is one of kindred heart organizations who
each could have their very own domain names...
Had I known it would be such an issue with ODP,
I would have done so but now it's too late as search
engines know us under that URL.

About the mention of product listing, we are not a product
listing either. This site offers a variety of products related
to rosaries, as do all the other sites in this category.
It is not an affiliate of any sorts and it is not
a distributor of any kind. This is original handcrafted
work. (answering to the definition of product listing below).

I hope that with this we can resolve this.
I have learned a BIG lesson in NEVER use a sub-domain
ever again... it leads to too much confusion :)

Thank you for your help in clarifying this matter,
- Christian


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

You misunderstand the problem. You have a domain name, which contains a website. You should submit that site as , and (since its primary content and focus is clearly on selling rosaries) it could be reviewed under the Rosaries Shopping category.

The vanity-subdomain name is not only not a help to you, it's a positive hindrance. It jumps up and down saying "I'm a spammer! whack me with a mole!" It does that because there are a zillion idiot spammers out there, who submit the same URL with umpteen dozen different subdomains, all going to exactly the same page, and expect them all to get listed. And so you've carefully disguised your site as one of them. I don't think the editor should be blamed for properly rejecting the URL (or even for incorrectly assuming that, if you were like the spammer you appeard to be, you'd have submitted the main domain somewhere, and probably several times.) But (I actually checked) you apparently HADN'T done that.

So resubmit, as the main domain, in the same category.

I can't guarantee acceptance: I don't edit Catholic Jewelry, and (for all I know) the site may be a mirror of But, on the face of it, it looks like a site selling Catholic Jewelry, and in the absence of the red-herring subdomain, I don't see why it shouldn't get a fair review.


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

&gt;&gt; [the site] is not a refinement of what's on and the relation is one of kindred heart organizations who each could have their very own domain names. &lt;&lt;

Let's kill this one straight away. is registered to Cynthia Ratliff of Santa-Cruz, California, USA. says at the botttom of the page that the rosaries are "handcrafted in Santa Cruz, California by Cynthia Ratliff". I find it unlikely that there are two seperate, but likeminded, Cynthia Ratcliffs living in the same town that just happen to have got together to help each other out.

Since the products on sale at are produced by the owner of, the former is a deep-link, and hence not listable according to ODP guidelines.

The URL you submitted will not be listed. However, as hutcheson says above, there is no reason why the main URL shouldn't be listed somewhere appropriate.

Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

OK, I see how it looks to you. This is NOT any kind of spam site.
I see now how BIG a mistake it was to use this perfectly legitimate
process of making a sub-domain. But it's too late now,
the deed is done. But that does not make me a spammer. has not been submitted to ODP or anywhere
else for that matter because it's still under construction.
This site is owned by Cynthia Ratliff as are the two children
organizations: "Mother Mary's rosaries" and "For the Children".

For Christ's sake (literally here!), we're selling rosaries and
giving the profits to an organization to help children around
the world here.... hardly dirty spammers material :) will have its original content as soon
as we complete "Mother Mary's Rosaries" and "For the children"
(there's only one of me and many projects as you can see).
For now it only has material on the prayer's page but soon
we will add more prayers and
- "Angelic Messages",
- "Messages from the Divine Mother"
- "Links to light centers" (ressources to other spiritual organizations)

So "hutcheson" saying that's focus
is to sell rosaries is absolutely not true. The site is
just not nearly complete.

I see how it would look suspiscious to you but like you pointed
out, I did not submit the other sites ("For the Children" or the
parent site to ODP) as they are not ready.

When and if I submit the parent site, it would be clear that it
has different content. So I can't follow "hutcheson" suggestion
to resubmit the parent site to the same category because it
really doesn't go there at all.

So, how can we demonstrate our good faith here (literally again :) ).
We're NOT spammers. Our material is original. Our web site(s)
are unique and original in content (when they are all filled
with their content). Here's something that "might" help.
Have a look at the "For the children" site.
That's also ownned by Cynthia and is a sub-domain of
I'm sure you woul'd accuse us of being spammers there :)

So I'm begging your suggestions as to how to demostrate to you
the legitimacy of this whole affair.

Thank you in advance for your help!
- Christian


Aug 2, 2002
Re: Status req: http://www.rosaries.divine-mother.

I don't think anyone reading this thread considers you to be a spammer. What we are thinking is that you don't understand the rules for submission to the ODP.

Firstly, if you think that we're going to list as well as (once it's finished) you are very much mistaken. It doesn't matter whether the focus of your site is to sell rosaries or not, you'll get just one listing in the topical categories.

Secondly, we really don't care where the money is going to. You can give it to deprived children, put it in your own pocket, buy drugs with it, or make it into change and roll it down the hill for fun, we don't care. This means we won't be giving you any special favours just because it's for charity.

Thirdly, you claim that the focus of the site is not to sell rosaries. You have already said that the site isn't yet completed and, forgive me for making assumptions, but if you chose to create the sales part of the site first, and to submit that part to our directory before the rest had been created, it looks to me very much like the site has been created to sell your products.

Your best bet really is to just submit the base URL and to forget about getting your deep-link listed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.