Status request for


Sep 11, 2003
Please feel free to bookmark this thread and return in a month to check the status of the submissions.

More information is contained within [readme]readme[/readme].


Aug 31, 2004
leer said:
Please feel free to bookmark this thread and return in a month to check the status of the submissions.

More information is contained within [readme]readme[/readme].

I first submitted this website 6 months ago. I only resubmitted it and joined the forums because no one has done anything with it in 6 months. Is it possible to find out who is responsible for the category in which I'm submitting? I'm starting to wonder If our website is being purposely excluded.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Our forum guidelines clearly state to wait at least 1 month after your last suggestion before asking for a status.
The only way to ask for status and to contact editors is through this forum.
Please also read our faq. The part about the amount of time it wil take for a site to be reviewed might be of interest for you.


Aug 31, 2004
pvgool said:
Our forum guidelines clearly state to wait at least 1 month after your last suggestion before asking for a status.
The only way to ask for status and to contact editors is through this forum.
Please also read our faq. The part about the amount of time it wil take for a site to be reviewed might be of interest for you.

Yes I believe it said a month or two not 6 months. Isn't the idea of the system to get sites added as smoothly as possible? I appreciate that it is a volunteer system and appreciate those that vollunteer. It just seems to me the principle idea behind the system is to get sites reviewed and entered with the littlest effort and trouble. Since I am not an editor and do not spend 24/7 working on the ODP I wasn't aware at the time that I resubmitted that It would result in our company being punished and forced to wait an additional months before anyone would look into why nothing has happened in 6 months. Again I appreciate the vollunteer efforts but please understand...from my side I've been patiently waiting 6 months and am now being told to wait longer. It's not like I just submitted yesterday and am expecting the site to be immediately reviewed.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
No, you misunderstand - that we ask you to wait longer before asking for status at Resource-Zone doesn't in any way affect what's going on with your site at Whether you ask here or not is not going to make any difference in the time until review of your site. It is just a way of managing the volume of requests at R-Z. {moz}


Jan 23, 2003
Gosh, there are a lot of misconceptions that you listed here, and I want to address some of then -- not for the purpose of criticizing you, but to clear up a few things in case others read this thread.

Isn't the idea of the system to get sites added as smoothly as possible?

Yes, but adding sites to the directory is a completely different thing than processing submissions/suggestions from webmasters. We add thousands of sites each week, and a healthy percentage of them were never submitted by anyone.

It just seems to me the principle idea behind the system is to get sites reviewed and entered with the littlest effort and trouble.

Again, this presumes that we are some sort of listing service for webmasters. We are under no obligation at all to process suggestions in any given timeframe. Currently, the wait time for a given suggestion to be reviewed ranges from a few hours to more than 2 and a half years, depending upon a whole variety of factors.

I wasn't aware at the time that I resubmitted that It would result in our company being punished and forced to wait an additional months before anyone would look into why nothing has happened in 6 months.

No one is punishing you or your company. There is no "queue" of sites t be reviewed in the classic sense. We like to think of it as a pool. When editors decide to look at a pool of submissions, they ahve the option of sorting that pool a number of ways: by date submitted, by URL, by site name. Since resubmissions overwrite exisitng submissions (most fo the time), the only disadvantage of resubmitting is that if the editor chooses to sort by submission date, then the most recent date is the only one that shows.

As mentioned in another response, the six month rule deals only with the frequency in which people can come back here and ask for a status check. This is really for your benefit, as the less time we spend answering repeat status requests, the more time we have to spend editing.

It's not like I just submitted yesterday and am expecting the site to be immediately reviewed.

You are correct. Your submission is in the pool, along with more sites that you could possibly imagine. Our commitment to you is twofold:

1. We will eventually look at your suggestion, but we won't make any false promises as to when that will be.
2. You are allowed to come back here every six months and ask for a status check; you can browse the category any time you wish.

In making this commitment to you, we can guarantee that you are being treated exactly like everyone else is being teated.

I hope this helps you, and others who read this thread, gain some perspective on how we do and do not operate.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Bear in mind that any time spent addressing questions in this forum takes away time that could have been spent smoothly adding sites at So we limit questions that really don't contribute either to global understanding of the project or to specific constructive suggestions.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.