Status request.


Jun 4, 2002
If you resubmitted recently, then please wait one month and bump this thread again, per the posting guidelines of this forum. Thanks.


Aug 14, 2004
djdeeds said:
If you resubmitted recently, then please wait one month and bump this thread again, per the posting guidelines of this forum. Thanks.

Thanks for your response.

Could you tell me what happened to the original submission?



Aug 14, 2004
bobrat]We only answer requests based on the [B]last[/B] submission as specified in the guidelines [url said:[/url]

Thanks for your quick response.

Had I know this forum existed (just found it today) I would have posted here before hand. You should create a link in the submission form.

From reading other postings here, I understand the site can be rejected for being in wrong directory or for content. Could you please tell me if the original submission was rejected? If it's in the wrong directory, I will correct it and resubmit.

It doesn't makes much sense to wait 6 months for a review when you already know the results and have already rejected it.



Apr 15, 2003
The submission form says

Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions. That links to

That page says under Procedure After Your Site is Submitted

If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums. and that links to this forum
The previous post said to wait one month after you last submiited - not wait six months


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
(1) We don't reject sites for being submitted to the wrong category. We find the right category for them. (It may, however, take us longer.)

(2) As mentioned, the first status check must be at least ONE month after the LATEST submittal. FURTHER status checks must be SIX months after the LATEST STATUS CHECK.

(3) As to the set times, they make a lot of sense when you realize that about half our submittals are rejected for good cause; a significant number of those are from people who maliciously flood us with spam submittals to see what might get through. The longer it takes them to figure out what takes us longest to detect, the less effective their spam is. You can't possibly have any idea how valuable this is to us!

In fact, it is a constant question in the editing community: are we giving out too much information? And the trend is to give out less.

But think about it the other way: what is this information worth to YOU?

How would you act differently tomorrow if you knew whether your site had been rejected or not yet? (Of course, if it's accepted, EVERYONE knows almost immediately.)

The fact is, unless you're a malicious spammer planning the next sneaky scammy scheme, you're not going to change your actions at all in any way.

So -- that information won't do you any good at all, will it? (unless, that is, you're one of Spamford Wallace's spiritual children).

Note, I don't know that you are a spammer. Some people who cartainly aren't, ask the same questions. They may even be more puzzled, since they haven't gone through the analysis of how to use our feedback to improve their deviltry.) But until we know for sure, we won't know whether we can give the information. And after we know for sure, we still can't give the information any differently than we would for a spammer (otherwise the spammers could see by our response whether they'd been detected.) See, it gets complicated.

Anyway, that's the Scylla and Charybdis that we have to deal with when designing the forum policies.
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