Status request -


Oct 19, 2004
Dear Sir or Madam,

Our website has been active for over a year, but we are still not appearing in dmoz. To the best of my knowledge, the site has only been submitted once, sometime during September of 2003.

After careful review, this seemed to be the most appropriate section. We were very careful to select only one category If there is additional information that you need, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Jan 23, 2003
It has been submitted at least twice, and deleted twice.

I'm not allowed to tell you exactly why your sited was not listed, but most sites are not listed because they lack unique content. This is particualrly true with directories and guides.

Take your best guess. :eek:


Oct 19, 2004
Excuse us, but...

Thank you for responding. However, we have no idea what you are implying regarding the "originality" of our content, and your apparent flippant attitude toward our inquiry is not appreciated. HomeBrowser offers consumers advanced real estate search services unavailable from ANY other online source (such as searching by street name or area code) and is used by over 1800 agents all over the country. Currently, the site's index contains over 25,000 listing URLs which are all updated at least twice per week. But most of all, your response is insulting to the UI and programming team who worked for months to build and debug this application. You are out of line to insinuate in this public forum that their work was "ripped off" from other sources.

We can only assume that your editor was too busy to take the time to actually use the site in order to evaluate its merits properly. We will examine the FAQs and determine if we believe it is worth the effort to file an appeal.

Once again, thank you for responding.


Jan 23, 2003
and your apparent flippant attitude toward our inquiry is not appreciated.

your response is insulting to the UI and programming team who worked for months to build and debug this application.

You are out of line to insinuate in this public forum that their work was "ripped off" from other sources.

What in the heck are you talking about?

I'm supposed to be unfailingly polite to submitters, so I can't tell you what I really think, so I will politely tell you that you are way the heck out of line with the entire tone of your reply.

You asked for a status. I gave you one. I would have been entirely within my rights to simply tell you that you had been declined and to go read the submission guidelines. Instead, I bent the rules and tried to give you a hint as to why the editors had declined your site -- not once, but twice -- and you come back and attack me like some kind of rabid dog with all sorts of false accusations.

Well thank you very much, and the next time some editor gets short and snippy with a submitter, and someone complains, I'll be sure and point them to this thread as proof positive that no good deed goes unpunished.

Good grief!


Apr 8, 2004
martigold said:
We can only assume that your editor was too busy to take the time to actually use the site in order to evaluate its merits properly. We will examine the FAQs and determine if we believe it is worth the effort to file an appeal.
I will bend the rules a little myself just to let you know that in reviewing your site it was the fact that the editors did use it and came up zero every time, that brought them to the conclusion to decline the listing. So this seems like sufficient lack of content to me.

And I am just as shocked as spectregunner at your outburst. There was nothing flippant, rude, or insulting about his post. Our time spent in this forum is voluntary, and you have received much more information out of curtesy than is allowed per forum guidelines.

As far as I know there is no appeal process.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
martigold, you might have been a perfectly honest, stable, sane, generous, intelligent, and even friendly person -- and STILL have had your website submittal rejected. In fact, I've had submittals rejected.

Seeing that this is the case, there is no rational basis for taking any editorial action personally -- either on your own behalf, or on behalf of any other parties involved. (Still more would this hold true where there wasn't even an action to take -- as in other recent cases.)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This thread has generated too much heat already, and there's no more light to be had out of these ergs anyway. I'm going to close it.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.