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Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I haven't looked at either category, because they're both wrong: it is NOT a consumer information site, it is definitely retail, which should go in Shopping (for a multinational or multistate/province business) or Regional (for a single-state or single-country business.) I believe the correct category is much closer to
and your best move at this point is to resubmit directly to there.

An added benefit is that there's a MUCH smaller backlog!

Probably your other submittals, when they are found, will be moved (via several stages, each with its own wait for an editor) to this same place; act now and avoid the, um, non-rush.

If you have a walk-in shop somewhare in the UK, then you may also submit to the specific locality's Business category.


Thanks for the quick reply.

I'm a little confused. The second category I mentioned is a shopping category. Also your suggested category is for spare parts for cars, which my site doesn't even offer, so I guess I should submit to ? I was put off that category because there are only 2 sites listed, although there are a large number of other sites with similar services listed in other categories in the directory.

Thanks again for any advice.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
My bad. At first glimpse it looked like a parts sales site, and I'd been looking at way too many of those lately.

"Shopping" is for "international/global" shopping, "Regional/" is for "intranational shopping." The category charters explain the concept in more detail. Since the site does seem to be UK-only, Regional would have been the place to go.

However, on more careful examination, it seems the site don't actually sell cars, it simply collect information from surfers and (apparently) sends it to someone else. That will probably put it in our "blind lead generator" category, also known as the far left corner of the reject bin.
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