[readme]Please read the guidelines[/readme]
1. We ask you not make separate threads about the same site. - see
2. We ask you wait six months after getting status before asking again - that would be six months after February 20, 2005, 11:39 PM - the time when you were told that the site was waiting for review.
3. We absolutely insist you not ask for an editor to review your site by making a request in this forum. There are hundreds of thousands of sites that could be looked at and there is no reason that you should get special treatment. Asking here will have no effect - except if an editor was about to review it and sees this post, he will now for sure not review your site in the near future.
4. It appears that you might be continuing to submit your site, if that is true, please stop.
5. The ODP is not run as a service for site owners, and if you are relying on a listing in the ODP making the differnce between your business surviving or not, then I seriously suggest rethinking what you are doing. If your business is successful now, then an ODP listing might help improve the bottom line. It will not make the difference between success and failure.