Stickies Feature




with all the similar (including my own) posts about server errors, username/password challenges, form post hanging etc., it might be a good idea for forum administration to look at the possibility of 'stickies' on each forum.

These are topics which remain at the top of the list with a 'read me first' heading. The purpose of stickies is to allow a forum administrator to place standard statements about issues which are hot or keep cropping up all the time.

Instead of editors having to keep referring people to previous posts where the issues have been clarified in detail (which I'm sure is a pain in the neck!), the visitor can get the information from the sticky topics at the top of the topic list.

This saves resources on the forum and keeps people happy that issues are being dealt with. I came across them on a PHP forum I use and it works a treat! Don't know how much hassle it'd be to incorporate, but I'd be interested to hear the views of the group,




Oops! Just realise you have 'stickies' on the 'Site Submission Status' forum in this group, so you already know about it. I guess there's some reason why you're not using it here,




Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
Until now, site outages have affected submissions only for the most part, so the sticky thread about that is in the Submissions forum. If it looks like other problems will last a while--and it does look that way--then we probably will place a sticky thread here. :monacle:
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