Still trying after a year to get listed any tips?


Dec 8, 2009
Hi Guys maybe you can help me

May ask for a little advice.

I resubmitted our kids attraction search site (URL removed per Forum Terms of Service) months ago and although i took great care in filling out the information (in category-removed as irrelevant) a year has now gone by since we originally submitted then resubmitted. It says there is an editor but

I have tried emailing the editor of this group but its says no such editor. and i'm stuck as to how to get my listing sorted. In fact i can't seem to contact any editor

I'm sure you are all very busy but if ANYONE could help me with this submission i would be incredibly grateful.

(Sig block removed)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
theash said:
Hi Guys maybe you can help me
We are willing to help people. But not with this kind of questions and requests.
DMOZ is not in the business of listing websites on requests of their owners.
I will answer a few of your questions but also advise you to read our FAQ (link at the top of this page) and the many other threads about similar questions.

- I resubmitted
There is never a reason to suggest a site more than once. That is why our guidelines specificaly ask you to suggest a site only once.

- a year has now gone by
This is not an exception.

- I have tried emailing the editor of this group but its says no such editor.
That means that the editor although still mentioned on the category has stopped being an editor.
- In fact i can't seem to contact any editor
But there is no need to contact an editor about a suggested site at all. We tell all editors to ignore those people. Do not ask for any specific service. Why would we provide it to one person and not to all.

- i'm stuck as to how to get my listing sorted.
Just wait. Sometime in the future an editor will look at the suggestion and decide to list it or not. When this will be. Noone knows.

- if ANYONE could help me with this submission
Sorry can´t do. Why would we give you this preference and not all other people.


Dec 8, 2009
thanks for your reply. not looking to cause any trouble just for advise. Appreciate you taking the time to reply. Just wanted to check i was not doing anything wrong is all. thanks very much, ash
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