Strange "Confirmation" After a Submission


Dec 1, 2007

I submitted a site to the ODP category: almost a week ago.

After my submission, I did not receive a confirmation message. Instead, I got the following message:
Please Verify the text in the image

The text in the image and the text you submit in the input field must match.
If you cannot read the text, refresh the submission form.

Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form.

I thought there must have been an error and so I submitted the site again then. Same result. I decided to wait a few days to see if it was listed and to check these forums for info on problems with ODP submissions.

I just went back to the category and submitted the site again thinking any ODP submission problems should have been solved by now. Same result.

Is the message I'm receiving typical? I'm sure I'm entering the image text correctly and now, I'm worried that my extra two submissions will be seen as spamming the directory. I'd appreciate any suggestions anyone here may have on what to do next.

I'm new here, so sorry if this has been gone over before.

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