Strange Situation


Nov 6, 2002
In certain cases (I won't bore you with the details of exactly why) there is an intermediate state where pages have been tentatively approved for listing but require a final review by a senior editor before they appear. Due to a quirk in our software (more details I won't bore you with) any attempt to submit an update request for such links will fail because that piece of our code thinks the page is not listed, while any attempt to suggest it for listing will fail because it sees it as already listed. I believe the technical term for such behaviour is "a bug".

The category you mention has listings in that intermediate state. I presume with some confidence from your description of the symptoms that yours is among them.

In any case, I don't see this as anything you need to worry about. Of course I can offer no guarantee, but listings in this state usually appear in the publicly accessible directory in the not too distant future.
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