Sub-domain listings




I have been reading the message boards for a few days and had a question for listing sub-domains.

I manage a website which provides information and products for over 110 brands, themes and forms of products. As you can imagine, it is a nightmare for visitors to sort through all this information from one central page.

We recently moved to a sub-domain structure to allow visitors to access content they would like directly. Each sub-domain is unique in that it not only has completely different products forms (most of which we manufacture and are available only from us) but also articles and content relating to the use of those products, care, history, bios, tips etc. (which serves as a valuable resource for visitors)

My question is... could i submit these sub-domains for inclusion into the directory ? If so, what would be the best way to go about it.. if not, what approach would be best to make the library of content we have arranged into sub-domains available to visitors?

Any help and advice you can provide in this regards will be most appreciated..

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours Sincerely,


It would be much easier for us to make a determination if you could provide a couple of URLs to review.


Please try to keep your site inquiries in the public forum, instead of private messages.

The subdomains of that you have provided for me to review will not be included in the ODP directory. There is no unique content separate from and the subdomains you have set up are no different than deeplinks. The subdomains are all of the same company, selling the same products from the host site, so unfortunately I can not forsee any changes that could be made to your site make the subdomains listable with


Thanks for taking the time to look over the sub-domain URL's...

I'm sure you have noticed too, yet, I would like to respectfully point out that our collection of articles in each sub-domain is completely unique to us and oriented towards the theme of the sub-domain.

Additionally, the products sold on both the sub-domains submitted for your review are completely different forms of products (candles or accessories) from those available through the central page.

I sincerely appreciate the effort in keeping the DMOZ spam-free from less useful listings. Yet, in your opinion, will the DMOZ still feel it not useful for interested visitors to find themed sub-sites such as ours easily?

Looking forward to your thoughts on this... and thanks once again for all your time and effort explaining the workings of the DMOZ <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />



Well, you can chop your site up into as many "themed" sections as you like, but unfortunately it does not change the fact that it's one site. Chopped up into little pieces, but it's still one site. Therefore the subdomain deeplinks would not be listable at


Thanks Momathome.. Thanks Giz.. for your guidance in this regard...

Your input has been invaluable...

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