Sub Webs


Jun 26, 2005
Hi All,

I've searched the threads for information about this topic but have come up dry. My question involves the concept of publishing a number of smaller websites instead of a large site with more topics.

I have used a redirect page to point at sub-webs but am concerned that this will be a problem for Directories and Search Engines.

Would I be significantly better off having separate hosts for each site?




Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>My question involves the concept of publishing a number of smaller websites instead of a large site with more topics.

In the long run, honest webmasters are nearly always better off creating one reputable, content-rich site than a lot of anemic little vanity doorways. That's because in the long run it is the human surfers, not the search engines, that make a site successful. And because ODP editors are surfers, we will favor the kind of site that honest webmasters favor, and we will tend to suspect the kind of site arrangement that doorway spammers and other fly-by-night con men tend to favor.

I can't speak for other directories, but ... at the Open Directory it is critical (to you!) that you only submit one of these sites, and that you clearly link the sites together, so that the surfer can easily see the connection between them. (In other words, have conceptually one site, no matter how many separate domains you spread it over, and treat it as one site for purposes of directory submittal.)

If you do not do this, WE see you as not an ordinary spammer but a vicious, malicious, deceptive spammer (like the other people who use that strategy). And we will do our best to implement what the submittal policy says should happen to you.


Jun 26, 2005

Thank you for your reply, Hutcheson,

It is not my intent to trick or deceive anyone. My intent is simple: create the best real estate site possible for my visitors. However, I’ve found that the world will not beat a path to my door just for creating a better mousetrap. They won’t know where I live.

Obviously, my question involves presenting my work in a way that will be found by surfers interested in my content. Do you know how many real estate sites there are?

I consistently read that a large diverse site with many topics dilutes its content so it comes up short for most search terms. That it’s better to split up the content between several sites. For instance, one site might appeal to first time buyers, another might appeal to sellers, still another might appeal to people looking for mortgage information or support services such as movers.

I understand that you are saying the contrary: lump the entire content into one site. I understand and thank you for your input.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Well, the entire content IS one site. Whether it's spread out over multiple domains is your business. And how you link the various pages is your business.

And, so long as from every domain, it is clear who is actually offering the services (that is, there are prominent links from each entry point back to the "main home page"), then it will be apparent there is no intent to deceive. (And, of course, so long as you only only suggest one page--out of all the pages you've created--to the ODP, then there's obviously no intent to spam either.)

I would strongly recommend that you THINK of what you're creating as a website, not a collection of targeted brochures. Don't assume you know exactly what every targeted victim wants. Give everyone all the choices! (even though you may choose to make some choices more prominent for some targets than for others.)

That WILL help you in the search engines, and it will help you with all surfers who do not want exactly what you think they want based on your inadequate knowledge of their situation.

But that's just general advice. The ODP-specific advice is: suggest one site, and make it one that allows surfers to see all the services you offer and the information you know.


Jun 26, 2005
Thank You

Again, thank you. Since we first created our real estate website I (as author) have pretty much ignored SEO. That's why we recently found our site listed in Manhattan (where we were located before 9/11). This was also the explanation for why we got zillions of hits but visitors left fast. Obviously, they weren't getting what they wanted. A member of this forum suggested that I submit the site for correction, which I did and was soon rewarded with a listing in the proper location category. For this I am appreciative, as I believe this will not only make a difference in our presence but also in the value our visitors receive from our site.

I am here to get information right from the source, as I am now responsible for updating our site to make up for our lost ability to use the phones to contact potential clients (because of the Do Not Call Registry, which we support).

Our livelihood and the welfare of our families now depend on my success in this endeavor. That’s why I am so grateful for anything that may help us serve our clients needs.

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