Submission Apology

May 28, 2004
I was told that my site would probibly never be considered in getting a listing on Dmoz after submitting to many times and not waiting for the 6 month period, i would like to apologies for this and after waiting almost 6 months i would like to know if the editor of the Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos category would re-consider letting me submit my website www (dot) surgeryofsound (dot) co (dot) uk or give me a possible penalty time before submitting again?

Thank you!


Jan 23, 2003
I was told that my site would probibly never be considered in getting a listing on Dmoz after submitting to many times and not waiting for the 6 month period

I suspect there is a misunderstanding here. There is no six month rule that applies to DMOZ submissions. the only six month rule was an artificial constraint of this forum in ordfer to stop particularly anal webmasters from driving us crazy with incessant, daily status checks. The status check rule -- which is now moot since we don't give status reports -- had absolutely no relationship to actually getting listed, and a violation of one had no impact on the other. letting me submit my website ...

The answer is.....

Have you previosuly submitted the website?
Have you submitted the website more than once?

If the anser to both of those is "Yes" then you shound not resubmit. There is no reason to. Submissions do not expire. They do not time out. They site there until one of the 200+ editors eligible to edit in a given category choose to look at the submission. We have an excellent FAQ that explains all of this. It explains why we cannot predict how log it will take for a site to be reviewed.

Bottom line: you have done everything you can (and probably more), there is nothing else you can do that will not ber harmful to your efforts in the long run.
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