Submission Categories




I have a website that I'm working on right now. When it's ready (hopefully soon), it will have up to 3000 pages--sheet music, lyrics, and guitar chords (, and eventually audio files) for 800 songs. It will also have 100-400 sermons, a "dating" type system like, and a directory for Christian Websites. For this site would it be ok to submit to multiple categories? I mean, each section is really almost like a different site. Music (and music could really be up to 3 categories, too!), Sermons, Dating, and Directory are all major parts of the site that would be able to function as a stand alone site. Is it ok to submit to those 4 different categories then, since they're so different? Would it be ok to submit to multiple music categories (sheet music, lyrics, and audio files) because that's so diverse, too? I know that for most sites, they're supposed to be submitted to only one category, but when a site's so large, does this rule still apply?--and to what extent?

Thanks a lot,


P.S. Sorry if I posted in the wrong area or posted a question that has already been asked!



Mar 19, 2003
Complete the site first and then come back to this thread, post the URL and some of the editors will be able to make recommendations. In the meantime, read for the official guidelines on the subject.

Generally speaking a site on one theme gets one listing - if it covers a wide range of subjects under that one theme then it might be placed higher up the category tree. E.g. a site about apples might go in Society/Fruit/Apples, whilst a site about apples, pears and bananas might go in Society/Fruit.

For multiple listings in multiple areas, you need significant content on each subject and for the subjects to be independent of one another, e.g. Napoleon, bananas and the music of the Beatles. To make a specific recommendation we will have to actually look at the site.

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