Submission Error .. Experts Please help !!


May 24, 2005
I am new to the Open Directory (Dmoz) and I submitted my personal website URL ( in a wrong location the first time under

Regional > Asia > India > Uttaranchal > Localities > Roorkee
(as Roorkee is the place I was born)

But soon I realised that I did a mistake as my website should really be under

Society > People > Personal Homepages > By Region > Asia > India > Uttaranchal

I apologize !

Can a moderator/editor guide me. I am really believe that I have quite a genuine submission to DMOZ. What can I do next, is there someone I could contact? or do to worry?

What is usually the time the website gets listed in DMOZ after submission.

Thanks in advance


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Saching said:
What is usually the time the website gets listed in DMOZ after submission.
The answer to this question can be found in the FAQ linked above under the heading Questions about suggesting your site to the directory. Keep in mind though, no site is guaranteed inclusion in the directory. Sites receive a detailed review by a volunteer editor, to determine if it meets the required criteria for listing in the directory. Only after having met that criteria is a site listable.

Don't worry about having submitted to the wrong category. Most of us are used to mis-submissions, so the reviewing editor would (in most cases) forward to the most appropriate category for review. You can re-submit once to the more appropriate category and when the original was forwarded it would be deleted as a duplicate. One resubmission will not have an ill effect, multiple submissions would.

Hope that helps.
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