Submission Guideline - Which is the "main" page?



The site in the example is not my site, nor am I suggesting it for entry into dmoz. The site is merely illustrative of my question.

If an otherwise topical site has a mostly graphical "intro" page at the top level:
which is primarily a link to a sub-page:
which should be submitted? Is there a difference if it's a static picture or a plugin required ("flash") page?

The guidelines seem to suggest the second entry, yet, it seems likely that the sub-page will be renamed or replaced where the top level will always be valid (as much as "always" is ever valid on the internet).

Is this left to individual editor taste?



Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Re: Submission Guideline - Which is the "main" pag

In the vast majority of cases, the root URL is the one that should be submitted. This applies to graphical splash pages (whether Flash is required or not), multiple language sites, and a whole host of other situations. Link stability is, as you have guessed, one of the major concerns.

I suspect that you are referring to the guidelines policy on "redirects". We are mostly concerned with pages that redirect "somewhere else" (e.g. to another website) -- we don't list those. If the root URL redirects within the same site and domain, we will generally list the root, as the content is located in that domain. You might notice that we also have a related policy on "deeplinks" -- which is that they are usually not to be listed...

A final note: we don't discriminate against Flash-only pages. As far as inclusion into the ODP is concerned, it's a non-issue. However, Flash-only pages (or other sites designed to exclude parts of their potential audience) may take longer to be reviewed, since some editors choose not to use Flash, or work on platforms where Flash is unavailable. If one of these editors came across a Flash-only site, the site would then have to wait for another editor who could review it.


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