Submission Help


Nov 10, 2006
<url names removed>

I am using URL forward option from my domain to host. I have listed my domain name under

Games: Video Games: Console Platforms: Sony: PlayStation Portable

4-weeks passed no result

Can anyone tell me -> am i done anything wrong? Please advise


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
You domain name uses framed forwarding to show the pages that are actually located at another URL. Our editorial policy is to list only the URL for the actually pages (the second one you gave), and the instructions for suggesting sites state that only the actual URL should be submitted. Not to worry if you've submitted the wrong one, the editor will make any necessary corrections when the site is reviewed -- there's no need to make any more submissions.

I'm afraid that 4 weeks isn't a long time to wait, and you shouldn't count on being listed in any particular time frame. The Open Directory Project exists to provide a useful resource for web surfers, and not as a listing service for those owning websites. We have a finite number of volunteer editors, and many site suggestions from the public. Each has to be reviewed before it can be listed, and this takes time. I'm afriad that you'll just have to wait patiently for someone to get round to looking at your site...
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