submission help?



hi again. :)
I submitted a christian website to the category
Regional: North America: Canada: Alberta: Localities: F: Fort McMurray: Society and Culture: Religion

I did so because when submitting to another category it said I should also submit it to the category I mentioned above. But, upon further reading, I noticed one rule says:
Do not submit an URL that contains only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
So..does this mean I can't submit my website to more than one category? I also wanted to submit this webpage: web page to this category:

Society: Religion and Spirituality: Christianity: Churches: North America: Canada: Alberta

Would that be a mistake on my part.. So far only the first submission was completed, I am still waiting to see if I should submit to more than one category. What confuses me is that category is used to describe categories :p, and dmoz is a Directory right... so, when the rules say 'in the directory' it kinda shakes my brain abit..

feel free to remove the url once you've viewed the webpage. I only gave it incase you need to look at it.


Mar 26, 2002
You can submit your site to two categories. We can tell the difference between trying to find the right category and spam.


oh..I just thought of one question regarding spam...
How many submissions are ok until it crosses over into spam world..

I only plan to submit twice, but for future reference it would help me and help lessen extra work for you guys. :)


Mar 26, 2002
According to the submission guidelines you are supposed to pick the ONE best category. I try to use common sense and do not get worked up about another category but every editor is different. Best to not try and guess what the limit is - just follow the submission guidelines and use common sense.


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Your website actually belongs in both categories, so in this case, it is actually helpful if you submit it in these two categories -- but not anywhere else. The Regional vs. Topical branch listings are a notable exception to the one category rule.

Many websites may receive one listing in a topical branch (such as Society/ , or Business/ ) if they have general relevance to a topic. They may also receive one listing in a Regional/ branch if they have relevance to a specific region. Since your site is about a church in Fort McMurray, it would be relevant to that town, so it should be listed there. Since the Society/ branch category you mention is intended to be a list of individual Christian churches in Alberta, it would also belong there.

As a result, you should feel free to suggest your site in both categories.

I should also mention that this exception does not apply to all sites. Some sites have no regional relevance (e.g. most online-only shopping sites) and would not be listed in a Regional category. Some sites are not listed in Topical branches (e.g. a site for a real estate agent) and would only be considered for a listing in the Regional branch.
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