Submission in Small Categories


Apr 1, 2003
Hello Editors,

I have been trying since August to get into the category

I know that I am only into my 5th month of not being listed, but the category only has 129 listings in it.

I have posted in the Submission Status forum so I know that I did not get rejected. My concern is that I submitted my website to a section that has a Volunteer editor so it might not get reviewed for a long long time.

I would appreciate any help or advice.

Thanks in advance.

LSchultz :confused:


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I think what you are asking is if submitting to a less-appropriate category that has a listed editor would help you get your site reviewed more quickly. The answer to that question is emphatically NO.

The only possible effect of submitting to an inappropriate category is to delay your listing by:

1. increasing the workload of editors, who now have to handle your site twice, once to determine that you submitted it inappropriately, find the correct place, and move it there. And once to review it in the correct category when your site has been moved there.

2. potentially overwriting your earlier submission when it gets moved, thus moving the site down the list if an editor should decide to process suggestions in chronological order (which is not necessarily the case).

You also may be asking if your category will be edited, even though it has no listed editor. The answer to that is emphatically yes. No category at the ODP is an orphan. Any category may be edited by editors listed higher in the branch (such as those listed in and ). In addition, there are over 200 editall and meta editors who may edit in any category.

You may also be wondering if there anything you can do to help speed the process. You could apply to be an editor, hopefully reducing the overall workload, leading to a faster review for your site. I'm not a meta, but I'd guess that category is probably too big for a new editor (especially since it's in Shopping). However, you could apply for one of the subcategories, a hobby category, or for something in your hometown. After editing for a while, you could even apply for the category in which you suggested your site, as long as you could treat all sites in the area fairly.

Other than that, you'll just have to wait patiently, I suppose.

However, the long wait may not be all bad for you. I took a quick look at the front page of your site, and it says that you "deliver in Los Angeles" and that you will ship nationwide "shortly". Unfortunately, we don't list sites by what they are promising to do -- we list them by what they do at the time of review -- so your site would not be listed in the Shopping category if it were to be reviewed today. In order to be listed there, it would have to deliver over a wider geographical area than Los Angeles. Once you do get national shipping, it would be eligible.

Your site would, however, currently be eligible for listing in a Regional category, where waits for review are typically much shorter. Based on a quick look at your site, I'd suggest submitting in:

In the end, if you have both nationwide shipping and local delivery, you will likely end up with listings in both places (assuming you actually do get nationwide delivery before the site is reviewed in your original category). And since the listing decisions for the two categories are independent, you have absolutely nothing to lose by submitting to the Regional category.


Apr 1, 2003
Thank you so much for all of your advice.

I know that the editors are extremely busy and I truly appreciate your assistance.



Mar 25, 2002
Apparently this area could use some more editors interested in this topic. Have you considered applying to become an editor? It is allowed for someone to edit in an area where they have a website, as long as they treat all the sites equally (including listing competitors).

If you do, I would recommend trying for the one of the subcats, like Biscotti_and_Italian (the main level is a little largish for a new editor.) After demonstrating your ability (and integrity ;) ), you could then apply to edit the main level. Be sure to mention your affiliation with .

Good Luck! :)

Please post your request as a reply to your existing thread in the submission status forum.
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