Submission of gardening - emporium . co . uk


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Go to the category where it is listed, and click the "Update URL" link in the top right corner - that will take you to a page where you can fill out an update request. :)


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
That's good advice, but in this case, the site wasn't listed, so the "Update URL" link wouldn't work. Normally, the advice would be to just submit your site to the other category, since two submissions to reasonably relevant categories wouldn't be viewed as spam.

However, your site suggestion was declined because it didn't meet our guidelines for inclusion, so please do not resubmit your site, as it will not be listed in its present form. My advice is to focus on other methods of marketing your site besides an ODP listing.

If you have questions about our guidelines, please see:


Answering your post in another thread:
First time the site was checked the editor had a hard time finding unique content.
Last time the site was checked it was not responding, and was deleted.

If you have unique content, that the editor can readily locate, I'd suggest you resubmit to that category.



Dec 11, 2003
I have read the Dmoz guidelines regarding which sites they do not include, from what I have read I am assuming that Dmoz regards <url removed> as an "Affiliate Reseller Site".

If this is the case, does it make any difference that the manufacturers do not sell online? Does an onlin retailer need to stock more than one brand of product to not become an "Affiliate Reseller Site".

I would welcome any thoughts.


Peter Sensier.
Last edited by a moderator:


In all honesty I avoid shopping sites like the plague, precisely because I don't have time to spend learning which products are unique.

So take this with a pinch of salt.

For inclusion in an online shopping category, such as this one, what you need to do is suspend your owner/webmaster thinking and put on your surfer hat,

What is offered on this site, that I didn't see on the other shopping sites I looked at?
If there is a reasonable answer to this question it may be listable.

personal views on the following
does it make any difference that the manufacturers do not sell online?
no, it makes a difference if the products are available elsewhere online
Does an onlin retailer need to stock more than one brand of product to not become an "Affiliate Reseller Site".
no, it is not the relationship of the seller to the supplier, it is that they need to have unique content (usually in the form of products). As mentioned elsewhere collecting specific subsets of products, such as non allergenic, or left-handed, or similar may, not will, but may make it listable. Of course the second site that tries to do the same thing is no longer unique.

These are my personal views as a non shopping editor. Please take this into account and do not rely on them as absolutes.
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