Submission of


Oct 16, 2004
Status of

Thank you, Miromulus. We also corrected the links in the original post. We'll continue to wait for the answer from the appropriate editor.

Thanx, again.


Oct 16, 2004
Status of

Hi all,
Still waiting for that appropriate editor to take a look at this.

Thanx again.


Sep 4, 2004
website2 said:

Again, could someone run a check and see when WebSite Square Internet Solutions may get listed in the directory. We submitted it at

Thanx for your fine help.

When an editor will review it. I'm sorry but this is a volunteer work and is impossible to make predictions.

About the status of your site, please be patient and wait until an editor who can see the queue of the above category will read this post.


Oct 16, 2004
Help Please!

:rolleyes: Hi,

Bumping again. We sure have been waiting a long time to get back into the directory. The funny thing is that we were in early on and then somehow we were taken out. We were there before they started alphabetizing the groups in web design. Were we missed when they alphabetized? We didn't do anything wrong that I know of. We have applied to regional category and general category with no luck. The latter category has been updated recently and we still are not going in. Our Internet Services company has been around for a long time. Telling us that the directory is run by volunteers does not address why this should be such a struggle. Should we apply to a different category. We have submitted customers of ours and they were picked up within a few weeks. Are we being ignored or blocked for some reason? Our website is at
Help please.
Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
First, I see nothing in the logs indicating this URL was ever listed in the ODP, and the logs go back at least to 2002. Was it perhaps under another name?

As for being blocked, no, you're not. The site is waiting review there.

As for being ignored, ... yes, so far you have been. So far, none of the three hundred or so editors that COULD work in those categories, have yet. But there's no conspiracy -- or at least, they didn't ask me to join it.

Second, there's no queue. Sites are reviewed based on an editor's perception of their potential relevance. The alphabar under Internet Developers is too large to be useful; it's therefore likely that the site's potential value is MUCH higher in the Regional locality category. But since there's no global queue and no global priorities (and if there were, there would be no privileged priorities for sites merely because someone had suggested them).

Third, the amount of time a site submittal has been waiting is really not relevant to anyone on earth. We happily list sites that have never been submitted. Some sites have been submitted but never actually created. Some sites were created but not submitted for years. All that matters is SITE CREATION date. And for it, all that matters is that it be in the past. After sites are created, they're all in the same state: that is, they are eligible for review.


Oct 16, 2004
Hi Hutcheson,
Thanx for the response.
We were definitely in the ODP early on. We were always WebSite Square. We picked the name first and then went looking for the domain. We also own but seldom use it. It was never submitted or registered on any search engines or directories that we know of. We have always used We registered this domain in September 1997 and then probably started to enter the search engines and directories in 1998. Our best guess is that we went in 1998 or 1999 at the very latest. It was before they split the category into the alphabetized sections. It was NOT in the regional section because we talked about where to go and decided we wanted to be more global than just the Midwest. I clearly remember that we would go to the category and then slide down to the “W’s” to find our listing. We would laugh that nobody would go down from “A” to “W” before they would find us but then there are those that might start first at the bottom and go up. We would laugh and say that we would only have backward customers if we depended on that. I honestly don’t know when we went out of ODP. We never made routine checks but just realized early this year that we were no longer there. We’ve looked all through the directory and we’re just not there. My best guess is that we were lost as the split into lettered pages occurred.

I noticed that the general “W” page was updated again tonight and we’re still not there.

I’m just really frustrated. Glad though that we aren’t being blocked for some reason. I’m trying to determine if we should just try another category. We’re not only web design and hosting but search engine optimization, remakes etc. If you have any suggestions we’re sure listening.

Thanx again.


Oct 16, 2004

Bumping again. We sure have been waiting a long time to get back into the directory. The funny thing is that we were in early on and then somehow we were taken out. We were there before they started alphabetizing the groups in web design. Were we missed when they alphabetized? We didn't do anything wrong that I know of. We have applied to regional category and general category with no luck. The latter category has been updated recently and we still are not going in. Our Internet Services company has been around for a long time. Telling us that the directory is run by volunteers does not address why this should be such a struggle. Should we apply to a different category. We have submitted customers of ours and they were picked up within a few weeks. Are we being ignored or blocked for some reason? Our website is at

Hutcheson responded in Dec. 2004 that a check back to 2002 showed nothing. We were in the directory long before then and may have even been inadvertently removed before 2002. We were not checking our listing often. We know we have been out at least since 2003 and have been trying to get back in since then. Dmoz is getting a bad reputation on the forums with the length of time it takes to get listed.

We are a reputable design company that was established in 1997 and working as a full service web design, hosting, and optimization site since then.

Can someone help please.
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