Submission Problems: Timeouts


Aug 2, 2002
It seems that a few people are having problems with the ODP server timing out when they try to submit their site.

Some technical problems with the directory have resulted in staff temporarily reserving some of the server bandwidth for editors, and limiting the resources available to the public side. Coupled with some processor intensive software work to correct the problem, this has resulted in poor performance to the public.

Unfortunately this means that some people have been unable to submit their sites. I'm afraid there's very little that can be done to assist those people until the technical issues are resolved, and settings go back to normal. We're expecting the current restrictions to last for about 2 weeks.

If you are having problems submitting your site (and not getting a specific error message), please feel free to try several times in the hope that one of them might work. Another idea would be to try at different times of the day as sever loads can vary considerably from hour to hour.

Please do not ask editors to add your sites to the directory. There are hundreds of people getting this sort of error, and if editors were to add every failure manually, they would not be able to get any work done.

If you are unable to get the system to accept your submission after trying several times over several hours, I'm afraid all we can suggest is that you wait until the current restrictions are lifted.


Thanks for informing us dfy

Yes, I've been having a host of problems these past few days submitting to dmoz!

Will keep trying as you advise!



Aug 2, 2002
After reading this thread, staff have made some changes to the server settings in an attempt to alleviate the problem. If you are still unable to submit due to timeouts, and have tried on more than one day and at different times of day, please let us know so that the problem can be investigated further.


Aug 2, 2002
Give it a few more tries Neil. Early in the morning would be more likely to get a success. The ODP servers are located on the west coast (GMT-8) and after 7am the demand starts to go up.

Your message says you are working in GMT+1, so I'm not sure where you are based. Assuming you're in the UK (on GMT+0), any time before 3pm would be good, the earlier the better.


Oct 14, 2004
an idea that would help us

I too have had difficulties in submitting, and have also been worried about spamming the editors. The problem is that, since I didn't receive a confirmation page (system time-out etc) I did not know if the submission had been received.

So here is a suggestion:
On the instructions for submission, could you please tell us what to expect. For example, do you send us an automated email to tell us that the submission has been received and will be reviewed in due course? It would be helpful if you do- and also knowing that you do would mean that I could look for the email, and if there is not one, I can then try to resubmit without worrying so much about spamming.

Alternatively, on the instructions you might say that following submission you will be taken to a confirmation page - if that does not happen, then the submission was not received.

Or you could even have a check-box saying "this is a duplicate submission because of an error report or server error on previous submission"

Just knowing what to expect would help a bit.

In the meantime I will keep submitting and hope I get there in the end!


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