Submission Question


Nov 15, 2008
I have one very large travel site with many sub sites on individual destinations. Each sub site contains information that is completely different from the other sub sites. May I submit each of these sub sites individually or will this be considered multiple submissions of the same site?

Thank you for all you hard work! - Janet


Apr 5, 2004
Hello Janet, and thank you for asking before acting.

Please select the single most appropriate category for your main site and suggest it there. Suggesting multiple subdomains is unnecessary, unhelpful, and in severe cases can be regarded as spamming.

To quote from the editorial guidelines for Travel sites:
Provided they meet the general guidelines for inclusion, travel sites are generally listed once in the Directory, most often in the appropriate Regional category. In some cases, a site may be entitled to one listing in a Regional category and a second listing in either Recreation/Travel or a topical travel category.

Another section on that page will help you to decide on the correct category to choose for your suggestion: "Site Placement Guidelines".

Thank you for helping volunteers to find your site when they work in that area. :)
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