Submission Question



One of my clients asked me this question, here is the cut and paste .. any help would be appreciated:

"I submitted a site in mid June to DMOZ and am not sure if it is listed due to old data being displayed. If I re-submit the site, will it reject the application if the site has already been listed on the editor side, but is not showing up on the public side?"


May 26, 2002
Well since you are now here, the best way forwards is to post the URL of the site and the URL of the ODP category you submitted to and let someone tell you the status of said submission. It is not good to keep on resubmitting, for reasons mentioned in hundreds of previous threads in this forum.

A site submitted in mid June will not be showing on the public side yet, simply because the public side is frozen with old data from early June while the editors server was upgraded last week. The new data is slowly being ported over to the public side right now, but takes several days to do.

A site submitted in mid June might not have been reviewed yet; so I'd suggest divulging the details and letting someone check it out.


Jan 10, 2003
But if you're asking:

"Will the submission be rejected if the site is already listed?"

The answer is no, it will not be automatically rejected, but yes, an editor will reject it if it is already appropriately listed.

If you're wondering if the site has been accepted, then it's best to request a status. :)


From reading the posts at this forum it appears that the timeout problems have been resolved. However my own efforts at submission consistently get the error. I was also led to believe there would be something in "Announcements" when the work was finished so I guess the problems haven't been resolved yet - see this old thread .

Any idea when this will be back online?




I usually use this forum to get info on DMOZ for obvious reasons but today I strayed and found this thread. It's mostly bollocks but "leedlad" suggested turning off firewalls. I had to close that, my anti virus and my instant messaging and the form still took ages but I got through twice! After months of trying that's a huge breakthrough. I'm amazed noone has mentioned that before :shocked:

good luck everyone!


May 26, 2002
Re: Hurrah!

The public submit scripts were actually completely switched off for about 9 days, up until a few days ago, while a big change was made to the hardware running the ODP. There is still some testing going on, but I think most of the bugs have been sorted.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.