Submission status and asking for opinion


Feb 27, 2005
Submission status of

I've been trying to submit my web site in DMOZ directory for more than an year without successes. I just submitted again to:
I don't know what is the reason for my bed luck. I am receiving every day so many positive opinions that this is one of the best sites presenting Bulgaria as a travel destination.

Everybody is welcome to take a look on the web and to express opinion and recommendations.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Your first problem is that you don't know what you are doing.

There is no "try to submit." There is only submit ... or not submit.

There is no "submitted many times to get high priority and instant results." There is only submitted ... or not submitted.

From our point of view, submittal is not ... anything you think it is. It isn't a request, it isn't a requirement, it isn't a listing. It is just a suggestion: a memo to make sure we don't overlook a site. And one reminder is enough.

What you've done is submit multiple times to multiple categories. That generates spam. Periodically editors go through and shovel up the spam, throwing away duplicate copies of those memos.

That has been done for this site. A duplicate suggestion has been swept away. At least one remains somewhere (according to the editor, and I believe him) but I can't find it. It's not in the category you claim to have submitted to -- but then, neither was the other one.

If you had not been very "trying" for a year, I would recommend that you submit again, once. But now that we're in "whack-a-mole mode" for this website because of your previous "trying", it would be dangerous for you to submit more. (That's one way you can harm yourself by "trying" -- you get into a position where we cannot help you, and we can help ourselves only by trying to clean up after your trying.)

Recommendation? Stop trying. Really. It DID hurt you, as well as wasted our time. If you need website promotion, then go find people who offer that (the ODP doesn't!)

Forget about the ODP. There is nothing more you can do here (only a great deal less that if you had done, would have been helpful both to you and to us.) We have a memo about your site, somewhere. It'll show back up eventually. And we'll take care of it then.


Feb 27, 2005
Apology is mine.

Thank you for your prompt reply. Honestly never intended to make multiple submissions. I am not quite sure but the resubmission was in 4-6 months period. Is that too bed? I am sorry if I gave you trouble guys.
I like the idea about DMOZ, and my unsuccessful submission will not change that. Even once I 've tried to become an editor:)) Didn't happen eitherl. Anyway, keep on your good job. Apology is mine. Cheers
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