Submission Status for 6 Sites


Nov 4, 2004
In an effort to NOT spam the forum I have added all submissions to this one post. These submissions were made over 60 days ago and all on the same day. I will post the site link and the category submitted to below. Thanks!

Everquest 2 at GameAmp
DMOZ EQ2 Category

World of Warcraft at GameAmp
DMOZ WoW Category

Lineage 2 at GameAmp
DMOZ Lineage 2 Category

Doom 3 at GameAmp
DMOZ Doom 3 Category

Painkiller at GameAmp
DMOZ Painkiller Category

UT2004 at GameAmp
DMOZ UT2004 Category

I'm eagerly awaiting a status as all of the other fansites seem to be in there :p Thanks in advace for the status update.



None of these are not waiting in the indicated categories nor do they appear to have ever been acted on by an editor.

Are you sure it's been 60 days?


Nov 4, 2004
It's been at least 50 days, that's very strange... I wish I would have kept all the emails but in an effort to keep my mailbox clean I removed them :(

Should I resubmit these? I don't want to be spamming but I would like them listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The submittal policies say only to submit the website itself. The editors will decide whether the deeplinks you mention are appropriate.


Nov 4, 2004
Wait, I'm confused now. The links I have posted are only the websites themselves. Each one is a seperate subdomain and a completely different site. These are in keeping with the normal network type sites like OGaming, Warcry, etc...

Also the more I think about it, I believe I submitted inbetween the first two hurricanes (I'm in FL) which would put it around Mid August.

The links are only top level though for the sites themselves...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
They are all subparts of one gaming site. It is true that deeplinks of other gaming sites have been added by editors, and it is possible that deeplinks of your site will be added also. But the submittal policy says NOT to submit deeplinks, -- or if you call them separate sites, then the submittal policy even strictly threatens dire consequences if you submit them.

There's nothing there that could cause confusion. That's as straightforward and simple as you could hope for.


Nov 4, 2004
Ok, I understand now the terminology of using Deep Linking when refering to subdomains as I did as you requested and reviewed the editorial guidlines and policies and found that DMOZ defines deeplinking as:

"Deeplinking is the process of adding links to sub-pages and sub-domains within a site."

I also noticed that it is stated:

Deeplinks should offer content that is unique and extremely useful to a particular category.

I then reviewed their recommended newsletter published by DMOZ on what to consider appropriate for approval for deeplinking. After reviewing all of the information I have the utmost faith that my sites will not be rejected as spamming as they:

  • Offer completely unique content not found on other related sites for the same master domain.
  • Contain comprehensive and useful information which pertains the category.
  • Are comprised of quality content which is pertinent to the individual categories.
  • Provide a nice complement and/or suppliment to sites already listed within the respective categories.

I do thank you for your concern however and I was glad to review the information to assure myself as well that I am not spamming the directory. This deviation from the original topic however has not answered the original question or first reply about the status of my submissions. Any additional information related to the status would be most greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time,


MostlyAlive said:
It's been at least 50 days, that's very strange... I wish I would have kept all the emails but in an effort to keep my mailbox clean I removed them
Then you must have submitted them somewhere else, because the ODP has never sent email to submitters.

No need to resubmit. The Games/Video_Games editors are quite active. If we find that the subdomains are worthwhile, we'll list them.


Nov 4, 2004
The emails may indeed have been from another submission but I am definitely 100% positive that I submitted to DMOZ. If they are not appearing as pending and have not been edited by an administrator then I will go ahead and resubmit the sites for approval.

I would just like some reaffirmation that they are indeed not appearing as if they were submitted so I may do so without fear of being banned :D



If you are going to resubmit, you should submit only the main URL: . Editors will make the decision as to whether any of your subdomains should be listed.

Submitting multiple subdomains is against the submission policy and could get you labelled as a spammer.


Nov 4, 2004
I believe I addressed this issue before about the submission policy and deep links. The problem is, I don't know that administrators would indeed visit a site list within the site to see that there are other sites within the network.

Truth be told, I think it's a semantics issue with the word 'site'. You see, because each of the sites on our network are indeed seperate sites. They are just made by one company. I could just as easily name each site something different and host it on a seperate dedicated server. Each of our sites has it's own completely different design, its own database, its own content and is for all intensive purposes a different site.

When I review the editorial policies for dmoz administrators I find that the reason they list these issues is to block people from using subdomains as a way to receive multiple listings for the same site. This would definitely be considered spam. The documentation also looks to prevent people from assigning different sections of their site seperate subdomain names to recieve multiple listings for a site.

My subdomains are indeed individual sites and can in no way be considered spamming. Each site is completely 100% unique. I can understand if I had pointing to a different section of ... this I would consider spamming as this is what the rules of submission and documentation for administrators is setup to protect against.

Each site on our domain however is a completely different website developed independant of all the others. Each subdomain is completely different website.

For instance, I could add and create a free miror of the dmoz project. This would have to be considered a completely different site as that is what it is. It could even be hosted on a completely different server by setting up the name server record to point to a different IP address.

The example shows that it is possible to have two completely seperate sites with one domain name. My current sites follow the exact same pattern except that the server they are hosted on has the same IP address. They are completely different virtual domains.

If you have your own website then surely you would not want everyone elses' website hosted on the same server as you to be considered the exact same site correct? After all, just because two sites reside on the same hard drive does not make them the same.

I'm sorry if I seem to be reitterating my point but I have spent 100s and 100s of hours creating each site individually and independant from each other. There are also seperate volunteers on each site which have spent tons of time as well contributing to their own sites. These people have nothing to do with any of the other sites on the network and more often then not they don't even visit them. These people deserve their own credit as being site administrators of their own site. While they might belong to one gaming network, a website network is by definition, multiple individual websites which are linked together.

That is all :) Thank you for reading and I certainly mean absolutlely no disrespect by my post. I simply feel that this case is not considered deeplinking by DMOZ's documentation. Each subdomain is in fact a seperate site.



Arguing about DMOZ policy is verboten on this forum.

That said, let me also mention that Games/Video_Games uses lots of deeplinks. Lots and lots. We LOVE deeplinks. Video Game sites tend to be very broad, but when you're trying to find information for a particular game, most of the good information on that game is scattered across dozens of sites. Indeed, for some games, without deeplinks we wouldn't have any information at all.

If your subdomains are worth listing, we will list them. If they are not, we won't. Please stop trying to get us to bend the rules for you, because you're a "different" case. Every webmaster who comes through here can make that argument.


Nov 4, 2004
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to get you to bend the rules for me, only apply the rules correctly :) DMOZ does indeed have a history of applying them correctly. As you mentioned, many of the other gaming networks have each of their subsites listed since they do indeed contain relavent information and they are not trying to spam the same site with just different names. I am confident that the deciding administrator will recognize the sites for what they are and make the appropriate decision.

Thank you very much for all of your quick replies and for your time, they are both very much appreciated. I'll leave you to the rest of your posts. Good luck with all the other crazies out there! :D


I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to get you to bend the rules for me, only apply the rules correctly
We are applying them correctly.

Submitting deeplinks is spam. More specifically, against the agreement that submitters indicate they've read and agreed to before submitting. *

Editors adding deeplinks, in most cases, is the editor doing his/her job. (This varies by area of the directory. Some categories deeplink heavily, others hardly at all.)

You can be sure that the vast majority of the deeplinks you see in that part of the directory are NOT the result of submissions.

* Good golly, but that's awkward.
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