Submission status for


Aug 2, 2002
I just tried backpackers accom in Tropical North Qld, and holiday unit on the Gold Coast. In both cases I got "No listing found for this search".

The site has been rejected but you may suggest it again at some point in the future when you have finished building it and there is some comprehensive content in there. Sorry.


Jan 21, 2005

We have around 60 properties listed in Victoria, can I submit this site under

Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Victoria: Travel and Tourism: Accommodation: Directories

This site also has facility to create online listings by business owners.

Please advice

Kind Regards



Jan 21, 2005

OPD have 7 properties (4 bed & breakfast and 3 hotels) listed under this directory and holiday zone have 60 properties, so in comparison it is comprehensive.

Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Victoria: Travel and Tourism: Accommodation


You need to look at the full structure, not *just* the direct sub categories.
Look at
See all the additional numbers (around 200). Now go into one of those sub categories like there are 14 sites listed there alone. I can also tell you that not all Victorian accommodation listings appear in that By_Locality category yet, as the Travel_and_Tourism/Accommodation/ sub categories have not (yet) been created in each locality to link to.

Those links with @ after them are symbolic links to categories located elsewhere in the structure, so the site numbers are not included in the category counts, but believe me they *are* there.



Aug 2, 2002
If you put yourself up as a national directory you will be judged as a national directory. If you put yourself up as a Victoria directory you will be judged as a Victoria Directory. If you put yourself up as a Victoria directory in national directory clothes in a Victoria category the most likely situation is that you will be viewed as misplaced, sent back to national, and rejected as before.

In other words if you are a Victoria directory you need to convince the editor there you are a Victoria directory.

When I looked for you I noticed someone else trying more or less the same thing. But they were a Qld directory. Although they were trying to pose as a national directory their navigation made it easy for me to see all the properties were in Qld and I allowed them into the Qld category. I did not spot the same obvious pointers to Victoria in yours so random tests failed to pick up any properties, random obviously not including Victoria.

60 is good, for a state, assuming that is 60 where we have not got individual listings for them.

ODP have many many more but the majority will be individual listings in localities where the establishment is based. There should not be any individual B&Bs at state level, so your comparisons are invalid.

DMOZ hat off.

Personal feedback as a potential customer - I went to try and find Victoria listings since you said you had them. Once again it was extremely difficult to find anything and I got zero results. The only way I got a single result was to make an educated guess where I might find a B&B. You do not have enough listings to categorise both by area and by precise type of accommodation. And there is no any-any option.

Now you do have an ability to offer something different to the ODP. We keep holiday accommodation in localities, and our navigation, if you are looking for B&Bs in Victoria, is elementary. This is because Regional works on the basis of what websites are related to Eltham, not where are all the B&Bs in Victoria. Your site is of personal interest to me - it is the sort of site I use when planning my hols. And in years to come Victoria is possibly on the schedule.

So if I visit your site show me those 60 properties. Not because I am an editor and might have a moment of madness and list the site in Victoria as it stands, but because if as a tourist planning a trip to Vic I visited your site I would have a very tough time trying to find anything. If you have nuggets of gold then for goodness sakes wave them in peoples faces. A listing would do you no good - we would look silly for listing something that was apparently empty more or less, and you would not get any results because people would click away after their second random search produced nothing. If I was a property owner looking for a listing service I'd test the same thing and wouldn't go with you.

Don't change your site to get a listing with DMOZ, that rarely works and is silly anyway - it might still take years even for someone to review the site, and when they do it might still not be suitable. If you change it then do so because it fits with your business and if as a coincidence it becomes listable to us then we'll look at it sometime. Make it useful to me and I might use it, regardless of whether I would list it - the two are entirely different!


Aug 2, 2002
Ah, interesting. Much more useful than the search but you have to know where it is, my natural inclination was to use the search that you promote. Which would have been OK if it had an all-all option.

If that was in my face when I entered the site who knows...


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
60 is good, for a state, assuming that is 60 where we have not got individual listings for them.
Therein lies the problem -- all of the properties appear to have their own sites which we would generally list instead.


Jan 21, 2005

The only required field for search is “region” and rest can be left empty. I am trying to indicate this by putting little star next to the “region” field.
I guess all – all option will be much clearer.

I am going to provide “browse by map” option and index for each state with property names and localities next to them.

There are sites listed under (Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Travel and Tourism: Accommodation: Guides and Directories) which have same or little more number of properties listed than holiday zone. Example Holidayshack.

Thanks for the feedback

Kind Regards,

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