>> Can someone give me our status in the queue... how many are in front of us <<
There are less than 50 sites waiting for review, and your site is almost at the bottom when sorted by date. The thing is that editors don't *have* to sort by date, there are several other ways to sort the queue. Even then, an editor can choose sites at random if they like, some editors avoid sites with spammy titles and descriptions. When someone looks at that category, they may choose yours first, or they may pick it last, we can't tell.
It's impossible to say how long your site may sit in the queue. As you know, we're all volunteers, and volunteers can't be made to meet quotas or forced to work in places they're not interested in. What we need is more editors that want to work in that area.
>> Can I offer my services as an editor of this category to help speed things along? <<
That's a much better phrasing than the first version. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
That category is toward the upper limit on number of listings for a new editor. We like people to start small and work their way up. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> Go take a look at the application form (
http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/apply.cgi?where=Shopping%2FSports%2FBoarding%2FSkateboarding%2FScooters ), read all the things it asks you to read, then shut down your machine and think about it overnight. Do you really want to become an editor? It can take up a lot of time if you start enjoying it. It will certainly involve a lot of learning.
If you're still interested when you wake up, go back online and fill out the form. Be prepared to try again with a smaller category if a meta thinks that that one might be too large for you. We love it when people genuinely want to help the directory, and themsleves. We're not so happy when they just want to help themselves.
Good luck. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />