submission status for


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It was successfully received and is currently pending review there. :)


Dec 28, 2004
Submission Still Under Review


I submitted my site on May/26/2004. It has still not been put in the DMOZ. I put a post up for status and a member said the listing is pending review. What if two years go by and it is still not put into DMOZ. What steps do I take to get my website reviewed.

Is there a way to contact the moderator of the specific category?
Is there a way to get another moderator to review the listing?

Please help and thank-you.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
What if two years go by and it is still not put into DMOZ. What steps do I take to get my website reviewed.
You continue waiting.

Is there a way to contact the moderator of the specific category?
If there's an editor listed on the category, you can click on their name and send them feedback. But keep in mind that editors rarely respond to emails from submitters.

Is there a way to get another moderator to review the listing?
You can't get anyone to do anything. See How long until my site will be reviewed? and There's no editor for my category - will my submission ever get reviewed? for the answers to your question.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
**Motsa is a much faster typist**

Here are my thoughts, I don't edit anywhere this type of site would be submitted, I have not seen the submission, nor have I reviewed the site. Just my :2cents: on your questions.

I submitted my site on May/26/2004. It has still not been put in the DMOZ. I put a post up for status and a member said the listing is pending review. What if two years go by and it is still not put into DMOZ. What steps do I take to get my website reviewed.

If it is pending a review you have done what you can. Sites are reviewed by volunteer editors on their own time in the order they choose. Once you have submitted the site your job is done. You can feel free to follow the Posting Guidelines for Requesting a Status Update and request updates with in the time frames allowed (no sooner than 6 months after last status request) and find out if it was deleted or still waiting review. As far as steps to get a review, there is just one-suggest a site. If an editor has confirmed it to be waiting a review somewhere then mission accomplished-Thanks for the suggestion.

Is there a way to contact the moderator of the specific category?
If there is a named editor at the bottom of the category, then you can email them through their profile. But asking for a review is not likely to return a response. These forums are the best way to gleem further information if it is available.

Is there a way to get another moderator to review the listing?

Same answer as previous question. Not likely to get a response, best to follow the guidelines and check back in the forum within the timeline specified in those guidelines.

The best thing to do is submit and move on. If you want to check back every six months, please feel free to do so. In the mean time you might want to check out the links in my signature for the FAQ and Help Center. They provide good information that may help with future questions.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is no concept corresponding to the "moderator" of a category. We have volunteer editors -- some listed, some not listed. All who have privileges in the category have equal rights to edit there; all have the ability to correct each others' errors.

We try to encourage editors to respect each others' decisions and each others' various skills -- an editall knows a great deal about how a directory should be organized, but a specialist category editor may know a great deal about the topic itself. We try to handle differences through discussions aiming for consensus: if the law must be laid down (and it very seldom must be), then it would be laid down by Project Administrators (that is, people responsible for the whole project), not by the listed category editor.

You may have understood all this already, and just used the word "moderator" loosely ... If so, not to worry, I'll just hope someone who didn't, will read this. It is a common misunderstanding -- there's a very common paranoia that One Single Malevolent Editor/Competitor is preventing any possible review of a site. But that simply cannot happen -- for one thing, hundreds of people can potentially review that site; for another, IF that MEC is seen to be removing listable but competitive sites, he's appointed "Former Editor." And as long as a site is "waiting review", it hasn't been affected by the MEC.
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