Submission Status for


May 26, 2002
The site has been multiple submitted to multiple categories, over a period of several months, as have many deeplinks into the site. These have all been deleted. I cannot see the unreviewed queue for that category so I have no idea if there is one copy left awaiting review or not. Guidelines do say to find the ONE best category to submit to. At least half a dozen editors were involved in clearing out the duplicate submissions that you spread across the directory.

I note that the French version of this site is already listed at:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The site has a bad rep for submitting non-functional pages and aggressive submitting to the wrong categories. The last of many copies of submittals to English-language categories may have been deleted; at any rate, it wasn't still in the queue in that category. I added it to the unreviewed queue.

Side note: submitting a site dozens of times does not improve its chances of getting listed. It improves its chances of having all its duplicate submittals deleted accidentally, instead of all but one. (Of course, in extreme cases like another one I'm working today, every one should be deleted.) It improves its chances of editors deleting it simply because it's already been looked at dozens of times, so "surely it has all the listings it deserves."

You did your site a real disservice by that kind of thing. I have partially repaired the damage, but there are still almost a hundred sites to review in that category, most of whom (possibly including yours) belong in a more specific category.

That means it will take longer for an editor to review the sites, and -- for editors like me who are willing to help out but don't know French geography well enough to find the most specific relevant category -- it means we can hardly work effectively there at all.

Therefore: expect a long wait. The situation in Regional/France is improving, but it is not one of the more heavily edited regions.

Thank you for your answer,
I made a mistake when I submited my website too many time (I didn't know). I didn't do it since 4 months (I wait).

A german editor told me to put my website in
You don't have to know the france geography to edit it. In fact we are working for all Europe (more for France and Spain) and for holiday rentals.

Thank you for all you can do.



Mar 25, 2002
You may also want to refrain from submitting domain names that redirect to your site. We do not list redirections.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>In fact we are working for all Europe

And you're trying to list it in "France?"

That's a very Napoleonic attitude.

In fact we are working for Holiday rentals in Europe but most of our homes are in France, Spain and Portugal.

I just want to show this web site to english spoken people.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
In a case like this, I believe the preferred approach is to list it in the "Europe" category, but mention the three countries in the description.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.