submission status


Jan 1, 2005
Hello why it's Reviewed and declined

Reviewed and declined? why can you give us tip how to improv our site that way it not will be declined
thank's for your time rwiting back .


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The post in your other thread explains why we do not list that type of site at all. The forum guidelines state that
This forum is not intended for site analysis or spam accusations. Please avoid discussing any aspect of the site except its submission status. "Rejected and not likely to be accepted anywhere" is a reasonable status.
Rejected and not likely to be accepted anywhere is the status of your site suggestion; hence there is nothing more to discuss about your site. Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What tip are you imagining that we could give you? How could we possibly tell that you are (in spite of all the evidence) actually in possession of some useful information (that is not already present on the web)? And how could we know whether you are willing and able to post that on a website?

Of course we can't. But you know those things. And you can know (if not as well as we do, then well enough) what's in our guidelines. (They basically say "unique, relevant information on the subject -- but without some surreptitious connection to an already listed site.")

And if that doesn't make sense to you, then there's only one hint that would be useful. I say it frequently, but I don't remember whether I have said it to you yet, so this may be a repeat:

"What you are doing with that website is not something that we list. It doesn't matter how or where or why you do it. We simply can't review it.

"As for this site, focus your energies on promotional services that don't mind its lack of essential information. As for the future and other sites, thanks for trying to help us, but ... please do not submit ANY sites to the ODP until you understand the guidelines well enough to know why THIS site could never ever be listable here."


Apr 15, 2003
The press release says

Dated November 25, 2004 "World Moving & Storage Inc .announces the launch of its new website" - [Funny it's not new - it's been around for quite a while. :confused: ]

As stated in your press release --

By using, users can quickly find certified movers, auto transporters, real estate services, and more than 20 other categories. With over 150 different moving & relocation companies. users can easily locate services nationally, statewide, and by area. - you are not a moving company - just a lead generator for other companies
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