Submission Status


Aug 7, 2004


Feb 28, 2002
When was the site last submitted? You have to wait a month from that date before asking for a status update here.


Aug 7, 2004
Life is too short to live in 6 months steps

Hello Guys,

I lived in many countries, and one common experience of bureaucracies anywhere is: "Any question asked automatically push you back to the end of the queue". This is what always comes to my mind, when being in contact with you, and your rules. Especially Internet life is too short to tick in steps of six months.

Anyway, I understood, what you guys are saying, and life goes on, with or without dmoz. I am not angry,neither disappointed, and I have the same feelings as I have towards those IRS-, or whatever government people, who dislike their jobs and human counterparts. It must be sad to hide behind a wall of rules and secrecy.

Successful organisations thrive through openess and customer orientation!

Have fun, and don't be afraid, I won't ask again!



May 6, 2004
I have the same feelings as I have towards those IRS-, or whatever government people, who dislike their jobs and human counterparts. It must be sad to hide behind a wall of rules and secrecy.
Please don't think that DMOZ is some sort of conspiracy. The reason we ask that you wait 6 months after the last status check is to allow us to edit and not answer the same question month after month. We have a life and edit in the ODP in our spare time. Yes, we do have rules that we follow, but it is not an attempt to screw anyone over. Our rules keep the directory somewhat consistant and gives everyone submitting a level playing field so-to-speak.

If we didn't like what we were doing, I can guarantee - we would not be here. It is very hard to become an editor and we are all proud of the opportunity to do what we love.

Successful organisations thrive through openess and customer orientation!
You and other webmasters are not our customers, the entire web community benefits from the directory and it is our desire to keep it free from the infuences that paid submissions have on creating a truly free and unencumbered internet. The majority of our submissions come from editors in a desire to build up their categories. We recieve a ton of spam and totally unlistable submissions every day and this also takes time away from our editing.

I lived in many countries, and one common experience of bureaucracies anywhere is: "Any question asked automatically push you back to the end of the queue".
You will not get pushed back in the queue in unreviewed since there is no such thing. Our unreviewed is actually a pool and does not tell us when to review a specific site.

We always have opening for new editors. Instead of bellyaching about us, why not join us?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>"Any question asked automatically push you back to the end of the queue"

Interesting. As has been mentioned, there's no queue. But, in any case, questions asked here have as near no effect on site reviews as we can manage. Mostly, that's not hard to manage -- we just don't review a site when we check its status, we leave it to the normal process (which is probably an editor who didn't read that post, or read all 500 posts last week and can't remember that one anyway.)

So the ODP is clearly not a bureaucracy. It's kind of like an anti-bureaucracy.

On the other hand, attributing malicious causes to events that haven't even happened (and therefore by definition can't HAVE causes) is a sign of galloping paranoia. See your shrink and get your medicines stabilized.
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