Submission status -




I posted my first submission for almost a year ago in and have heard nothing since. I have tried to email dmoz and editors but no reply yet... Then I just found out about this forum and hopfully some kind soul in here can help me out.


Ps: In my desperate attempts I have also tried to apply as an editor to be able to approve my own listing but got rejected because that was not a valid reason to become an editor... (which I totally understand and agree with)


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Re: Submission status - http://www.TraineeGuiden.s

Hej Max,

the submission is there waiting among the other unreviewed site suggestions in Näringsliv/Arbete. Unfortunately it has been difficult to get volunteers who want to edit in this category, but the pile of unreviewed sites is quite small and the next time somebody passes through s/he might very well clear them all.

Incidentally, the date on your suggestion is 05/Aug/2003 17:10:32 EDT. Since you are in the queue, there is no need to resubmit - each submission usually overwrites any previous submissions you have made.



Re: Submission status - http://www.TraineeGuiden.s

Thanks for your quick reply Linnea!
I just saw that there is a Swedish forum in here and was just about to cross-post but now there is no need.
I resubmitted my url yesterday so I guess the date will change once again but now I know it's in the queue so I guess I'll just have to wait...

As I mentioned I applied to be an editor but was rejected. I got a whole list of things that *might* be the cause for this rejection and as I mentioned in my previous post I figured it was because of my bias since I hade my own url in queue. But now I read in some other threads that that should not be problem. If there is a lack of volunteers I am suprised I was not accepted. Do you have any comment on this? (If you want we can move this discussion to the Swedish forum or send me a private mess)

Thanks again.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: Submission status - http://www.TraineeGuiden.s

>If there is a lack of volunteers I am suprised I was not accepted. Do you have any comment on this?

It's not a lack of volunteers so much as a lack of demonstrably able and willing volunteers. There are four classes of problems problems that would keep someone from being able to edit effectively, and most applicants show a susceptibility to at least one of them:

1) Language fluency: inability to describe concisely and clearly, with standard formal grammar, a website; sometimes caused by confusion as to what a website description consists of.

2) Taxonomic acuity: inability to figure out just exactly what kind of sites should go in THIS category, or inability to find any such sites (other than one's own site).

3) Altruism: apparent inability to treat other sites as well as one's own site.

4) Business knowledge: (in spam-target categories) inadequate proof of understanding of the usual affiliate and spamming techniques. (For these categories, we want someone that has built up a reputation editing saner areas.)

We'd rather have no editor than have to waste time cleaning up after the wrong editor.

Note that many of our editors (and some very active and respected ones) had to apply several times before they figured out (or before we noticed that they had figured out) what editing was all about. Feel free to re-apply, especially if you can figure out what you might have done wrong (or left undone) the first time.


Re: Submission status - http://www.TraineeGuiden.s

Thanks for the explanation hutcheson. I might apply again.
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