Submission Status? No listing, rejected for "wrong" content?

May 24, 2004
Wrong kind of content?
I just asked on this forum why my sites are never listed and I was emailed by who informed me "It is the type of content of your three sites that
have kept them out of ODP, not any abusive editing by
people who want to keep you out.". He doesnt accept replies to his email account. Could someone please be more specific about why my sites are not listed and what the criteria is by which my sites are rejected?
Speciafically I have tried to submit to As far as I can tell this is the correct place to submit a Thai Florist. Apparently my content is "wrong". Virgin florist has accurate descriptions, ALT texts and acessability options. I fail to see why this site is not suitable for submission to this category. I feel cheated by DMOZ I believe one of the editors has an affiliation with a competitor and is rejecting my submission for what?
Please let me know the status of this submission. Perhaps I have to close my site down again, change domain names and hope to get a listing in the future?
Thanks for your time.
May 24, 2004
By the way if you think I have the same content on my other site you are wrong. has different pricing and is a site aimed at affiliates and has different pricing. Besides you didnt list either of them!
Please could you have someone review my listing, I just want listed.
Thanks for your time.


May 18, 2004
I'm a nobody at ODP, but reading the guidelines I can also see that your site is not elibigle for entry into the directory.

If your site doesnt follow the guidelines, then it wont be listed.

Repeatedly asking in this forum for it to be listed won't really get you anywhere, if anything it will serve to annoy the Editors and ensure that review of any future sites may be delayed.

If you read the guidelines thoroughly, you'll see why it hasnt been listed.

Don't forget that all these Editors and other more senior staff are volunteers and this forum is provided as a favour to people submitting to the directory.

I count myself lucky that we even have it.

My site was declined for a reason similar to yours I believe, but you just have to respect the decision and move on. There's plenty more way's to market a web site than just the ODP.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.