Submission status of



Hi - I'd be grateful for any help or advice you can offer. I initially submitted my site in January 2003. At that time I was advised by an unscrupulous person to resubmit my site regularly if it didn't get listed, and try different categories. Luckily I managed to find out that this was not good advice before irritating any editors too much!

I posted to the resource-zone back in June and was told that my site was waiting for review in 2 very backed up categories and
I was advised to wait 3 months before checking back here to ask for a status check. I'm sorry I couldn't use the same thread as last time, but something weird happened and it got hijacked by someone else.

So it has been over 3 months and I would be grateful if someone could give me an update, as my site still isn't listed.
Thank you very much! :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.