Submission Status of


Jun 2, 2004
Hi Editor!,

I have submitted my site in Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Divination/Astrology/ category on 14/oct/2004. This category is updated on 22 oct 2004.
Kindly, tell me why my site is not being listed. Is it needs any changes ? If yes tell me. It is also not indexed in I am very upset about it. But, some pages are listed in yahoo. Why all this is happening. I am not getting answer.
Please, suggest me and tell me status of my site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Kindly, tell me why my site is not being listed.
Outside the ODP, we simply don't know. Inside the ODP, we never tell. It is really not a question that makes sense. "Not being listed" is not an effect, but a lack of effect -- and therefore has no cause. (Only things that actually happen have causes. I reviewed several sites today; but there were millions, maybe billions of sites I did NOT edit -- Do I have to have a reason for not editing all of them? Could I have a reason not to edit all of them? Since may edit some of them later this week, obviously not. See, the question really doesn't make sense.)

>Please, suggest me and tell me status of my site.
That we can do: the site is waiting in that category for an editor to review it. Before you ask: since we edit instead of micromanaging editors, we never know when reviews will happen until after they happened. But you can ask for the status of a submittal in the forum here, once every six months. (Just bump this thread.)

>Is it needs any changes?
How would we know? It's your site. It does what you need, and you do whatever you want with it. And changing things "just to get an ODP listing" is generally futile.

>If yes tell me.
Again, we almost never do that, because we almost never see sites where we can make constructive suggestions that make the difference between accepting and rejecting. So we just accept or reject.

>It is also not indexed in
We don't have anything at all to do with Google Search, which is what most people mean by (There is a "" which is a copy of the Open Directory. But we don't even have anything to do with when they make that copy.)

>But, some pages are listed in yahoo. Why all this is happening.
We don't know. Yahoo and Google do whatever they want (and don't tell us about it before or afterwards.)

>I am not getting answer.
So far as the ODP editors are concerned, this forum is about the only public place to get an answer from the ODP community. (Have you asked something before? What did you ask?) And we can't answer at all for Yahoo or Google.


Apr 15, 2003
I would have thought for that category it would not be necessary to ask anyone when the site is going to be reviewed. :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.