Submission status of


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I'm sorry that your original post wasn't answered promptly but that happens -- this is a busy forum and sometimes threads slip out of view before someone can answer them. By coming in here beligerently in your second post, though, you set the tone for the entire rest of the thread.

I've deleted the mess of posts that were previously here starting with that one -- let's start again from scratch (I trust this will set the tone for any future posts so that we don't have to delete the whole thread).

To clarify one thing for you, having multiple mirrors does not make a site ineligible for a listing in the ODP. Suggesting more than one of those mirrors for listing in the ODP would go over very badly but just having them isn't a crime.

The site is awaiting review in that category. Please feel free to come back to this thread in 6 months (per our forum guidelines) to ask for a status update.


Sep 3, 2004
I agree. My second post was an act of frustration I guess, and then things got out of hand on both sides...

Hope everyone is on a level playing field now and thanks.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.