Submission status of please



My site,, one of Britain's leading independent movie review portals, was listed at this category for years until the category editor became the owner of a rival movie review portal and delisted it.

I have subsequently tried submitting it to this category but, despite waiting patiently for months, it has not been listed.

Could I possibly have some info. on whether it has been considered and, if it is not suitable for the new category, which category I could consider submitting it?

I have spent thousands of hours on, which is packed full of original content, and it seems a pity that I can't get in listed at the Open Directory.

Thank you very much :cool:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The editors' judgment was that the site seemed to contain "minimal unique content." Several editors who were not competitors (including me) concurred in this judgment.

To say content is "original" perhaps begs the question of whom it was original with. The fact is, if the first two or three reviews we see are available on DIFFERENT other sites, we just assume all the reviews are plagiarized...and go on with our life. And that is what happened -- more than once -- here.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.